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Old 02-26-2015, 05:54 PM
DorisB2 DorisB2 is offline
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DorisB2 DorisB2 is offline
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Originally Posted by Dizzy_teacher View Post
Hi everyone, I am new to posting on this forum but have been reading posts for the past couple of months.

I was in a car accident on 24 November 2014 and was originally mis diagnosed with benign paroxysmal positional vertigo which I was told week to week by my doctor that "you should see improvements next week" which never happened.

I was finally diagnosed with pcs late January. I am a teacher by profession but have only just qualified and started my new job in September. My workplace have been extremely unsupportive and have made me feel ashamed of even being unwell. They tell me my class have an unstable environment and constantly question whether there is something I can do from home or when I can come back- all questions that I don't know the answer to. I am no longer being paid which is having a huge financial strain and I have an insurance medical appointment tomorrow which I'm scared of because I look fine on the outside.

I have headaches, tinnitus, dizziness, difficulty concentrating, difficulty processing information, memory problems, slight slurred speech, fatigue, nausea, sensitivity to noise.

Tried going back into school on 3 seperate occasions because of the pressure I was under from my employer and the guilt I felt. All I could do was stand in the classroom while the whole world felt unstable, I felt disorientated, nauseous and my ears rang. I felt like I needed to hold onto something and when I bent down to pick up my pen I lost my balance completely and fell over. I was then looked at with discuss when I explained to my employer that I had to leave.

I've been made to feel like I'm going a bit mad and that it's all in my head despite having a medical diagnosis. Has anyone else experienced this from employers/friends etc? I'm also now experiencing anxiety which I never had to this level before, anyone else? I get worried about leaving the house because some parent or member of staff may see me and think that I look fine and shouldn't be off work- logically I know it's a ridiculous thought as even if they do think that or do see me I am supposed to go out and do things still. I'm worried about even being able to do my job again?!

My doctors have been vague and it has been more a case of wait and see. Has anyone had tests that show their pcs or been given advice on how to help recovery? I feel like no one has a clue! (I am in the uk)

I'd love to hear from anyone else who feels like this. Or if anyone knows teachers who have had this and had a successful return to work. I love my job and have worked so hard to get here (and have only just got here) I really don't want it to be taken away from me.

I am new to this Forum too, I can relate, when I stumbled on this looking for info, I was wow, there are people who can relate to how I am feeling.
On Nov.17, my husband and myself were going across straight across on an intersection on a green light, all of a sudden there was a pick up in front of me turning left and he smashed right into us. My husband received a broken neck vertebrae, I thought I was fine, no visible injuries. No medical professionals asked how I was or anything, I saw the doctor for a sore neck, I told him what happened, he checked my neck said if it gets any worse to come right back and prescribed me some muscle relaxants. I knew I felt strange but figured it was just shock, I didn't know how long shock lasted. Someone finally told me to see the doctor, I did and was off work, tried to go back and was off work again. I am better then I was the first time I tried to go back but still I know I am not ready to pick up my regular duties.

Like you the doctors do not say much of anything, they do not know I think, they say some people are better in a matter of days, but it weeks, months up to a year, maybe more. It has been 3 months now, like I said I have just began work again and at my job people are trying to tell me how I feel and what bothers me, what doesn't bother me etc. I don't think the person mean to but the bosses are out of town so in there stead are the managers and they are trying but they won't listen to me. They act like I am trying to step on toes that were good enough to pick up the slack and duties etc. etc.

I feel horrible, I was looking forward to going back for financial reasons as well as to maybe snap out of depression, I have always handled stress pretty well, but man oh man, I have had anxiety and panic attacks and feel like I am going crazy even my injured husband doesn't really understand, he has a concussion as well and like I was told they are not all the same and not everyone has all the same symptoms. They had me so stressed out and being so emotional, I don't like being emotional especially in front of people. So I am worried about someone taking over my position, I think they think I am just trying to be argumentative. I am just trying to tell them what bothers me etc. So for now I am just trying to do what they think is best but it is hurting me, my headache is back, my dizziness is back yesterday at work I was almost stuttering trying to talk. I feel awful and I really need for this to work.

I was the one that suggested to my boss that the one person maybe do my job because I am having trouble, so why would I be against her. I just don't understand any of it. I have had one co worker basically tell me I am blowing it out of proportion, it is just in my head and once I get back at it, I will be fine and why is this concussion thing taking so long. I want to scream, but if one good thing came out if this, it is an awareness, I apologized to my one of my girls who has always suffered from anxiety, I thought I understood but now I know I really didn't, but I told her I do now. I have an awareness of brain injuries and sicknesses, I could relate to another friend who has MS and posted something about how a person with MS feels mentally. It was a lot like my concussion symptoms but so much more, I told him that before I would have read it and thought that is too not good but now I read it and can feel what that one small part of what he is going through. I have gained a new understanding and compassion and for that I am glad. I don't totally blame my co worker because there is a part of me that can't understand why I can't push through this.

My husband has an Occupational Therapist paid for by our insurance company, I asked our lawyer about it and he said, it is sad but the insurance company won't recognize what I was going through as an injury because I have no visible injuries, until my doctor says I should see one there is nothing he can do. Finally my doctor did that and my lawyer is trying but we have limited OT resources here, it may be conflict of interest for me to see the same one as my husband and the other one here in town is a good friend and the insurance company would see it as conflict of interest. I resent that no medical professionals even asked me if I had been hurt or asked any of the right questions.

So yes Dizzy I can relate to all, my work issues are not quite the same as your but still issues, my doctor tells me nothing either, I feel like no one cares and some people don't even believe it is and man this is the most real thing I have ever gone through in my life.

I am so glad I found this forum, I though I was going crazy especially with the anxiety and panic attacks. My husband will tell me to see the doctor when I am telling him off issues, I just tell him, what is the point nothing will happen, it will make no difference and so far I have been right. I want to be proven wrong. At work when I told them the lights bother my eyes, they said see an eye doctor the insurance company will pay for it. No they won't they won't even recognize me as injured, there have been so many times as I couldn't handle anything any longer, everything bothered me, that I just laid on the bed, cried and wished I had been hurt worse with physical injuries people could see so I would be taken seriously and so maybe I could get some help. I can't that instead of feeling grateful I wasn't hurt worse, I have gotten to the point I wish I was so someone would help me, would listen to me. So yeah, I can relate. I have proof read so hopefully it is all readable and with few mistakes.
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