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Old 06-14-2007, 03:56 AM
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Hi Donny,

Welcome to the forum. How did you break it? I had a colles fracture (stupid fall), ulnar and radius, few hand bones...and still have problems from the ulnar, a small piece of which shattered at the wrist end, still got the bits in there. Ulnar breaks seem to cause ongoing problems.

How did they set and cast it, and what tests have they done? I assume x-ray. Non-healing is worrying, but it often takes longer if you're a bit older. When you say they've said nothing, is that really nothing? Did it ever not hurt, or was it like this from the word go? Not that I'm a doctor...

How do you know about the loss of motor function, I hope you aren't trying to use it; I couldn't use my arm for ages, but I didn't try until it had healed and was uncasted.

It sounds as if you're still in the early stages of mending, don't lose hope, it could be almost anything at this stage, but you do need them to start looking properly, in my experience the docs treated all fractures the same and never looked for, or seemed to expect, problems, despite the fact that complications often happen. Don't lose hope yet,

all the best
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