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Old 03-20-2015, 11:20 AM
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Originally Posted by Coriny View Post
I have had numb hands and feet since Dec 2014. I am sure that many of you know the frustration of not knowing why. I have severe pain once or twice a week. Have had every test in the book including nerve and muscle biopsies. EMG showed moderate to severe sensory and axonal demylinating nerve damage, especially in the feet. Sock and Glove neuropathy. Have seen the neuro-muscular specialist from Washington University one time. He did not find anything. Has kept me waiting since January 30th for a follow up appt. I get an e mail from his nurse yesterday stating that there is no vascular problem. okay!! I cannot walk for very long and am very unstable on my feet. I cannot work. I cannot drive. I have no fine motor skills in my fingertips. I can type for short periods with my fingernails. I need suggestions on what to do now. The doctor at Wash U stated that I am not disabled and refused to fill out my forms for my job!! Really! HELP!! What do I do now? Where do I go? Who can I see that can help me? I am desperate!!

Did you have any other symptoms before Dec 14 or was this a sudden change?
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