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Old 03-21-2015, 07:56 PM
MeBee MeBee is offline
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MeBee MeBee is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2015
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Hi Bruins and all,
I hope you don't mind me joining this discussion when it has been going on for awhile.*I feel my story has a lot to offer, but I'm fairly new here. I'm assuming when you say "convergence disorder" you mean conversion disorder? I too had a neurologist give me that label, which caused and still causes a lot of havoc with the quality of health care I have been given. I had a therapist say she doesn't think I have conversion disorder (I was referred to this therapy by a neurologist because of this label), and even though I've had abnormal EEGs! I've also had what I was told were "normal" ones, but find that this is subjective to who is reading the EEG. I also had a set of "tonic clonic" (grand mals) while waking from a medical procedure (upper endoscopy using propoval as anesthesia, which is known to lower the "seizure threshold.")* I was told it is impossible to have anything but actual epileptic seizures in this state! Bottom line, I believe I have had a couple non-epileptic seizures after my body learned from actual epileptic seizures to respond to stress that way, and I find that is not uncommon. And I want to be as healthy as possible, psychologically as well as physically, so continued with the therapy (but still believe most of my current stress and depression was caused from what the doctors put me thru in not taking my actual physical problems serious, even other problems that turned out to be life threatening.)

But back to you. It sounds like your meds are helping some, but not all the way.* After I had a mini stroke, the hospitalist, after listening to "my side" of my history, changed my seizure meds which weren't making much of a difference to yet another med (good ol' keppra) while in the hospital, and I noticed an immediate improvement.* I had "breakthru" seizures a few weeks later on a couple of occasions (but great improvement from having some sort of seizures a couple times a week, and the ones later were not nearly as severe). When I realized I was on a really low dose of keppra, I talked my general practitioner into following my seizure meds and increasing this med, as I had given up on the neurologist who wasn't helping and not having good luck finding a new one. He agreed as long as I don't get worse. The seizures have now disappeared as long as I take my meds as scheduled! Even when I developed a couple of other very serious medical conditions and had a lot of stressors in my life! It has been over a year now, and my life has greatly improved in this respect! I'm not saying to forget finding a neurologist, quite the opposite. I'm saying to keep fighting for the medical care you need, and there is light at the end of the tunnel! I know I will eventually need to find another neurologist for this and past strokes. Your seizure condition sounds eerily similar to how I presented, (altho my TBI was stroke, and mini strokes), I apparently had partial seizures that would "generalize," on occasion, and that is now finally the general consensus in my medical records. Keep advocating for yourself, and keep your chin up, no matter what you are told. Hugzzzzzzzzzz to anyone dealing with seizures or their loved ones dealing with seizures. It is a long, hard road, that needs to be continually monitored forever after you have had any dealings with it. But most of the time, it is manageable!
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