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Old 03-23-2015, 02:20 PM
cyclist cyclist is offline
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cyclist cyclist is offline
Join Date: Sep 2013
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Originally Posted by Titansophie View Post
I did not know about the extra muscle until after the surgery. Dr. G seemed quite surprised by its presence but it was obviously causing problems.

I received IV toradol the second day after surgery. I am not aware of getting one prior to surgery though. I was sent home with narcotic pain meds, 600mg ibuprofen to be taken 3x a day and 10mg of flexeril (muscle relaxant). I followed up with a visit 2 weeks after surgery. At the 2 week mark Dr. G encouraged me to use the right arm. I started PT 3 weeks after surgery.

I don't believe Dr. G did anything to avoid scar tissue during the surgery nor did he seem concerned at my subsequent checkups. Dr. G encouraged me to use the arm and seemed more concerned with my energy level then any symptoms I might be experiencing. He said if I did too much and caused additional swelling that my body would let me know (pain, numbness, etc) but not to worry. Just rest and resume activity as tolerated. He was big on using the arm and not just sitting around.

Reoccurence of symptoms might happen if the scalene muscles that were detached from my 1st rib attached to my collarbone. If this happens and causes problems than another surgery to detach the scalenes from the collarbone would be required. Dr. G told me not to worry about it. I think that is good advice because I have no control over what my scalenes do or how much scar tissue it's going to develop as a result of the surgery. Worrying about it just takes energy away from healing and keeps me hyper-aware of any lingering symptoms.

The hardest thing to get through for me was not feeling the pain anymore. I had been in chronic pain for so long that when it wasn't there anymore, I was in shock. I just couldn't wrap my head around it. It took several months for my brain to catch up with my body.

I encourage you to seek out all your options before making a decision because it's a big one. When the time is right, you will make the decision that is best for you.

Best Wishes!
Thanks so much for all this info!

If you were given IV toradol on the second day, I’m guessing you may have also gotten it on the first day, perhaps while you were still under anesthesia. My understanding is that it’s just a stronger anti-inflammatory that helps w/ pain control and inflammation…and thus scarring. Not sure why all docs don’t use it (as long as patient doesn’t have NSAID issues).

A few years back, I had a more distal nerve decompression in my arm and the doc also strongly encouraged early, active use of my arm…no sitting around!...and resuming normal activity as soon as tolerated. She further explained that she wanted my arm moving throughout the day (not just in PT sessions!), so that the nerve would be regularly gliding back and forth (and all around) causing the scar to form long and loose --as opposed to tight and constrictive. Sounds like Dr G has a similar philosophy.

I’ve been in pain so long now…that I sometimes wonder if it’s even possible to go back. But, seems like you were in a similar situation and certainly sounds like you’ve gotten significant pain relief…which is super encouraging!

Thank you so much for taking the time to share your experience. It’s been very helpful. And I wish you much continued success and improvement in your recovery!
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