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Old 03-25-2015, 03:54 PM
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Originally Posted by EmilySH View Post
That's great. I also read that you were starting to feel better. That is great as well. I agree with some of the others that you shouldn't stop looking for an answer because your symptoms have decreased after finding you EMG was normal. I had the same experience after my Brain MRI came back clear. I think I was so relieved and happy that a tumor, pit gland, and MS were ruled out that for a moment I relaxed.

I felt good for a few days following the testing, told myself it was all in my head, and tried to go on with my life. Planned a whole day of Easter activities with my nephews and nieces and family friends, like I would normally do at my optimal health. And guess what? By the end of the day my legs with aching, I was stumbling, feet burning from the long day, and of course a sleepless night and the next day I found myself on the couch all day recovering. I have to recover from a day of playing with my family? How is that normal? Just pay attention to your body and it's response to your activities.

I have found in a relatively short period of time (2 months) that stress and anxiety can make symptoms increase. OF COURSE they do.....we are suffering with some kind of nerve problem! So I try to stay as positive as I can, listen to music, pray a lot, take one day at a time. I hope and pray that you have found peace and that has made your symptoms disappear, but please still pay attention to your body. And, if like me, you begin to feel bad in a few days or next week, month- don't freak out. It's part of living with whatever the heck we have, symptoms come and go and vary in intensity from day to day. YOU MAY BE PERFECTLY HEALTHY on the other hand.

Also, I notice you are from Nashville and it seems like you got a EMG scheduled very quickly. I had a referral sent to three neuros in Nashville two weeks ago, and still have not received a phone call. In the future, let me know if you would recommend your neuro. I have to find a good doc. THANKS

I saw a young Neurologist Dr Charles Clarke in Franklin TN. He's cool and a big deer hunter like myself lol

I see your from Winchester. I used to date a girl in Dechard back when I lived in Shelbyville. I went to Motlow before I went to UT Knoxville.
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