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Old 03-29-2015, 06:10 AM
MAT52 MAT52 is offline
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MAT52 MAT52 is offline
Join Date: Feb 2015
Location: Scotland, UK
Posts: 529
8 yr Member
Question The Shapeshifter AI disease

Mine has been around forever in different guises. I believe the trigger for me was when my mum inadvertantly starved me as a baby by not breastfeeding me on demand. I almost died - about 24 hours off I was told. I think this sent my body into fight or flight.

So thoughout my life I've suffered from eczema, alopecia - first 45 years - then this went and was replaced by RA and latterly small fiber neuropathy - probably as part of the package. I have Hashimito's Hypothyroidism - diagnosed about 14 years ago now but could have been around for much longer I'm guessing.

My symptoms seem to completely change on a regular basis so that the diagnosis of seronegative RA has come to include my present symptoms - nose bleeds and sores for a few years have gone over the past few weeks but I have jaw ache, pneumonia, loss of taste and complete absence of smell. The painful neuropathy lasted about two years alongside the synovial joint pain and then on it's own. I haven't tolerated any drugs apart from Levothyroxine, Codeine, Naproxen and Zopiclone to date. I am to start Imuran once I'm well enough - having tried and failed to tolerate Sulfasalazine (3 weeks), Methotrexate (2 years) and Hydroxichloraquine (18 months) so far. Also Amitriptyline, Gaberpentin and Duloxetine have all been and gone.

I just wondered if anyone else has a radically shapeshifting type of autoimmunity? I can get used to one set of symptoms and just about manage them but then I get another lot arrive and am completely floored. I just don't know whether I'm coming or going and nor does my rheumatologist - who is an old fashioned arthritis type of guy - very cautious by nature. My GPs (I'm in Scotland) seem to put each symptom down to something very normal such as gastritis, or just nose bleeds, just stress headaches, just a virus (pneumonia), just idiopathic small fiber neuropathy, just Raynaud's and just Sicca, just TMJ, just Morton's Neuromas etc.

No one seems to be joining up the dots. I have a neurologist, a rheumatologist and am soon to see a general surgeon about my longstanding GI problems. The rheumatologist thinks everything is probably under the loose umbrella of RA/ Rheumatoid Disease. The rheumy sticks with RA because when I first presented my knuckles and finger joints were swollen in classic fashion. Now this is no longer the case - I seem to have much more trouble with osteoarthritis in my finger joints than with RA. Nerve pain (stocking glove distribution) is a much bigger issue still for me than joint pain. I have had lumbar puncture, nerve conduction, MRI of brain and neck and nothing apart from arthritis has shown up. I am autoantibody equivocal with negative ANA.

Personally I think I have a type of Vasculitis (Wegener's) but because I have no skin manifestations they have never investigated this possiblity. Perhaps it doesn't matter if I'm going to try Imuran soon?

I would be interested to know if others have a shapeshifting autoimmunity of this nature. I'm not good with change and find it very hard to settle or come to terms with a disease which keeps chopping and changing so totally all the time.
If you get lemons, make lemonade

Sjögren’s, Hashimoto’s and Systemic Sclerosis with Raynaud’s, Erythromelagia and small fibre polyneuropathy, GI problems top to tail, degenerative disc disease and possible additional autoimmune diseases
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