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Old 05-07-2015, 04:14 PM
Dubinin Dubinin is offline
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Dubinin Dubinin is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2015
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8 yr Member
Default Update: May 08, 2015

Up and down. Up and down. All I see is the see-saw sea.

For the past four days, paresthesias were set back to a dull fuzziness, and were absent after rest/sleep in prone position. I thought I was going to go nose-up and leave these war-grey clouds of obtuse fuzziness! Wrong! Nerve conditions are apt to play Loki.

Left sole, right toes, very tips of left middle fingers and very tippy tips of right smallest fingers, right toes every so slightly fizzy, not even fuzzy. And,

Today, awoke without a symptom. But my old ghosts returned, elicited on standing and walking. Only today did I have a minor crisis with left sole paresthesia becoming more intense (approx 40% as intense as on April 3). Left outside shin was numb for around an hour (had been sitting for 2 hours to write with inner knee unconsciously pressed against one aspect of the weird desk at which I sit to write). Standing and walking and sitting upon the glossy porcelain throne elicited immediately left sole paresthesia (which was relieved when raised buttock. O the games Dubinin plays in the can room, cannery(?)).

Oh, wait - Wednesday: Could not properly bench press - weakness on right side with noticeable loss of right upper pec muscle (a one-and-a-half inch long and inch wide area near sternum served by lateral pectoral nerve). Even pushups (without feet elevated on chair) were difficult.

After changing to higher dosage of vitamin B1, mystery of the prodigal pec was resolved in 2 days. Pec now feels about normal again. As weird as that sounds.

Still upper body weakness, with 5 elevated-feet pushups feeling like I had already done 80 before their number. Troubling. But, I'm not truly worried. It will come back. Won't it? If it does, I will bench press again. If it doesn't, I will sit and eat vitamin filled cheese cake and look fat for a while.

Quads are still smaller than they ought to be. Calves are slightly diminished. Have commenced regular lunges and squats to activate hypertrophic pathways to counteract the atrophic process. May or may not work. Let's hope it does, lest I forever more be called Needle Legs.

Will add upper body rehabilitative program to that bunch of odds and bods. Will perform whatever pushups I can, halve the number, and do that number in three sets each day and add to that number daily. And look up cheese cake recipes.

What a chirpy Dubinin, even while feeling a million buzzing demyelinated axons screaming for death or mercy- and hoping that either comes first. One must keep their wits in place, though; as long as wits are able to tenant this skull.
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