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Old 05-30-2015, 04:58 PM
wpclark wpclark is offline
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wpclark wpclark is offline
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Unhappy Bryanna: Severe Wisdom teeth pain/ Awful recovery


I've been reading your posts on here for the past couple of weeks trying to figure out how to deal with my complications from my wisdom tooth surgery, but my recovery has gotten pretty odd so I figured it was time to join and make my own post to see if you might possibly be able to help me out and tell me what's going on so that maybe I can get this pain to finally go away. I feel like this has been going on for way too long. First here's a little about what's already happened.

Today marks the 18th day since I got all 4 of my wisdom teeth removed. I am 20 years old and I have mild hemophilia, so because of that I went to a oral surgeon 2 hours away because he was familiar with my disorder and had operated and done this procedure on many hemophiliacs before myself, and he was near my hematologists so they were in close contact about what needed to happen as far as pre and post treatment and what not.

Before I go any further I'll go ahead and say that this experience has easily been the worst thing/ longest lasting pain that I've ever gone through in my entire life. Anyways my top two teeth were fine and I'm pretty sure came out with no complications. My bottom right side was a little bit tougher, but my bottom left one was impacted facing the rest of my teeth, and he had a really hard time with that one. He had to break it in half and everything to get it to come out, and he messed up that nerve down there so now I'm dealing with a numb lip on the left side of my face that they warn of before the surgery. The first 5 days were absolutely brutal. I was hurting extremely bad, and wasn't able to stop pain meds until day 6.

Days 6 and 7 things started to get a little better, but then it alllll went down hill. The pain started coming back really bad on my left side, and the life side of my face started swelling up really big again and on day 8 the doc called and said I had an infection so I started clindamycin 300mg 3 times a day which I am still currently taking. I was able to puss with my thumb from the outside of my cheek into my mouth from the slit on the outside of my last molar back there up until about 2 days ago.

They told me that I have been experiencing a dry socket but I'm about convinced that I have/had it on both sides. I still have these slits that are still open on the outside of my last remaining molars on the bottom left and right sides of my mouth, and I still have one stitch remaining in my bottom right gum, but here's my main problem: I am still in excruciating pain from this surgery. It seems like it's never going to end. My mouth still won't open all the way, and every single one of my remaining molars ACHE at all times, especially bad whenever I close my jaw which has me worried that I have a clenching problem when I sleep or something. My teeth have noticeably shifted, and I'm still unable to eat solid foods. I'm 6'2 and weighed 180 before this surgery, and now I'm all down to 160 pounds. My diet has consisted of a lot of soups and fruits like blueberries and pineapple, and lots of yogurt.

I'm currently brushing 3 times a day, rinsing with saltwater after every meal or whenever I drink something besides water, I've also been rinsing with that nasty blue perioguard stuff almost every time after I rinse with saltwater as well for the last 8 days or so, and I've also been using some clove oil on and off here and there which I think has helped some. One thing I'm really worried about is the amount of tylenol I've been taking. I can't take ibuprofen or asprin because they have blood thinners in them, so I'm just limited to tylenol and I know it can't be healthy to take 3,000 mg of that stuff for 18 days in a row now but I literally can't live without the stuff.

I'm just literally desperate for this pain to go away, and I don't know where else to turn. I feel like 18 days is way to long to still be in this much pain. Every time I call the doc he just tells me to keep taking the antibiotics, and to keep irrigating the sockets with that blue perioguard stuff or whatever it's called, but I'm not even so sure that the dry sockets are the problem anymore because even my upper teeth hurt. What are your thoughts?
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