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Old 06-08-2015, 03:33 PM
FREDH FREDH is offline
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Location: San Antonio, Tx
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FREDH FREDH is offline
Join Date: Jul 2012
Location: San Antonio, Tx
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Smile Symtoms

Originally Posted by glassmom View Post
I just got a confirmed dx last week from the NO. I have had double vision since may of 2014. I have a negative anitibodies test and just had a negative EMG and SFEMG. I saw the NO last week for the results of the EMGS and he still thinks that this is MG. In the last few months I have started having new symptoms when I am too hot or overstressed/tired (ptosis, slurred speech, shortness of breath). This weekend my husband and I went to West Texas to visit family and it was really hot. We were in Wal Mart on Saturday, and I get too Hot and my speech got slurred and I could not say the S sound at all, it just came out as a chhhh sound. I had to go to the produce section to cool off, as my double vision was so bad i couldn't see straight. Since then, my voice has not really gone back to normal, and my right eye has stayed a bit droopy, Usually, after i rest my symptoms go away, but not this time. I sound like daffy duck, my voice is very nasally and i have a slight lisp. The NO did not want to treat me because I have other autoimmune diseases and I am already on Methotrexate and a Biologic, so he is referring me back to the neuromucsular specialist who did my EMG studies for treatment, but he cannot see me until September. Just wondering if this has happened in this way to anyone else and did it go away without treatment. Thank you.
You would probably benefit a lot by taking Mestinon, (usual drug for MG), however, I'm not the Doctor, and can't even suggest you do until the Doctor will prescribe it. Before I was dx with MG for sure, mine would come and go.
Rest helped me most. I had all your symptoms, just like you, except the shortness of breath. Watch out for that one, It can put you in the Hospital quick. Mestinon has either stopped or vastly improved my symptoms. As soon as possible ask about it.
Good luck with this, let us here on the board know how you do.
Old West Texas boy myself.
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