Thread: Bumped back!!!!
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Old 06-19-2007, 07:52 AM
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Originally Posted by Desi View Post feeling at all in your arm?? that has got to be scary.
Yes, yes. it is, very. Absolutely dead as a doorpost. First time it happened I was SO frightened, thought I'd become paralysed in my sleep and had to try to move it using my other arm. Which is in itself scary, because although you could move someone else's arm for them, you do that from the "outside".

Trying to do it from the "inside" is weird, you don't know which way to bend anything and you're worried that you'll break something. It's a situation I've simply never encountered before, surprised the hell out of me! It's only happened a few times, so far. I now get up and let it hang there and gently shake it by my upper arm till feeling returns which takes 5 - 10 minutes.

I'm very careful now about how I position myself before gods, these things are so tedious!

Hey, you cracked me up, with the "growing old is not for sissy's" - if you weren't on our forum I'd steal that and use it as my sig!!

all the best
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