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Old 06-13-2015, 03:42 AM
Neuroproblem Neuroproblem is offline
Join Date: Feb 2015
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Neuroproblem Neuroproblem is offline
Join Date: Feb 2015
Posts: 355
8 yr Member
Default Came back from the neuro today, dint expect what she said.

After my sensational loss of neuropathy started in janurary, it has never completely recovered, so my neuropathy have definitely taken a life of its own: switching from pins and needles, to prickling, tickling, stinging pain, joint pain, some intermittent burning pain. loss of smell is still present.
The visual snow i described was like a transluscent smoke, is being explained away by the neuro as being part of the migraine aura, and she came to conclusion that my neuropathy is also part of the migraine. I dispute it, because migraines includes headaches, yet i never had any headaches at all, nor do i know how a migraine feels like and i never experienced one before. It cannot account for neuropathy and loss of sensations.

So the loss of smell, yet again is begin dismissed as nothing more than related to allergies, so a ENT is scheduled 2 months from now. I dispute this as well, i had never loss my smell due to allergies or the cold, and it is too coincidental with the sudden appearance of the neuropathy to let go.
If i said i dint smell anything on "the coffee smell test", i probably wouldve been taken more seriously. In the ER(januarary), they checked up my nose and dint think anything is wrong.

After all this, its less likely i will be given another Neuro consult again.
I already been to specialist in the past few months.
april 30th(opthamologist),tuesday(another eye exam,peripheral vision), today is the neuro.

They suggested blood test for more deficiencies(dont know what kind), as well as t3, glucose test, but i had thyroid and glucose done in the past(2013, with kaiser), that were normal. I feel like this is just wasting my time, as i am getting the run around. In addition, since i do not have direct access to test results, i usually find out the test results months later. Like when i did vit d test, which i only found out 5 months after the tests, and b12 which was done in feb, i find out 3 months later. Because only the doctors are able to give me the results when i see them. In order for me to have actual copies i will have to physically pay the medical records to be printed, and my tests results.

twitching is quite frequent as well.
The usual basic neuro tests were done, all fine.
Should i expect anything different, from the tests if i do them.
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