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Old 06-16-2015, 02:28 AM
Neuroproblem Neuroproblem is offline
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Neuroproblem Neuroproblem is offline
Join Date: Feb 2015
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Originally Posted by mrsD View Post
I have had ocular migraines for many years. The first diagnosis was when I had a retinal angiogram... (I had a blind spot from a airplane trip)...the doctor said it was a ocular migraine.

I don't get headaches very often. I've only had one migraine and that was when I was pregnant over 30 yrs ago.

But I still get ocular migraines--with the visual auras. They tend to come if I use Zantac. So I avoid that drug. I don't get them from cimetidine (which is also an H2 blocker). So that is rather a mystery. Mine typically start as a spiral in the center of my vision, of a diamond shaped design, which grows wider and wider , and eventually leaves my central vision and disappears.

I've only had 4 or 5 of the auras during my whole lifetime though so I don't consider it a common event.

Anyone with visual snow or disturbances in circulation should be taking B12 and folate to support the blood vessels in the retina.
Getting a homocysteine blood test may show elevations which damage the tiny vessels in the retina and brain. Often blood vessel damage shows up first in the eye.
I never had auras before, only if i stare a the bright screen too long, though it doesnt last long(i doubt these are migraines). My b12 were normal, according to the neuro, and of course i dont have the results, so im just taking thier word for it.
I already have a feeling that ENT appt in 2 months will be nothing more than, "there is nothing wrong". explaining my neuropathy to the ent will be kinda of useless, as they dont focus in that area. i Feel like i give them too much details about my symptoms, so they will dismiss what i think its wrong. Ever since they got hold of my kaiser records, i met increasing resistance from the docs. the neuro was more interested in my dysguesia(phantom bitter taste), and my vague stomach issue. I kept trying to explain the neuropathies, ive been having, but its a no go. She basically have the same opinion as my PCP, whom i saw a few months ago.

You would think the neuro would be curious if you said "sudden loss of smell and taste", she dint even bat an eye, and claims it is allergies. During the time i lost my smell, my nose were free of allergies because of the effects of the antihistamine, which also dried out my nose and reduced secretions.
ever since i left the neuro office, i had this nagging feeling that, what she said wasn't coinciding with my symptoms at all. I did forget to mention i had burning sensations(left collarbone area, and right hand), and extreme sensitivity to touch on my right arm.

i SHOuldve said the pins and needles and other flavours of the neuropathy, affected my whole hand, limbs, but at that time it only affected part of it. but now its all over my hand, and left side of the face. I also get tingling on the top of my head as well.
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