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Old 06-19-2007, 01:37 PM
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There is no way possible for you even though you have the best of intentions to moderate what people post here and where they post it.

They will post wherever they want to be heard and while a nice organized set of rules and regulations looks good on paper they require a lot more to enforce. In this medium it is not possible.

I have suggested a way of doing it but I too am doubtfull that it will work even.

Ron may just post or someone else with a theory they would like to work on and receive no responses at all.

Who would like to post and have someone else decide if they warrant a place in the first posting. When push comes to shove maybe I wouldn't either.

So my best response is leave things as they are and let the members post as usual.

Some can use the ignore button and some like Ron can just print off the section they want and print it out or just save it in a document. When he has what he deems relevant he can post the whole thing and there we have what he wants, continuity.

As for moderation, well you know I don't support it as when moderators read a post and I go behind them I often wonder just what they were thinking when they chose the action they took.

Two people thik different and that's all it is.

But, many a post has been vacated because of the moderator removing a post that was the centrepice of the ones to follow and then it loses all of it's making sense.

You have to make up your minds and decide amongst yourselves what it is that you need.

I have been called names and had remarks made that someone else would have found it impossible to come back on again after it was posted. I have seen the mods leave it there for all to read and wondered why. But I accepted it because of it being at the time of posting exactly what someone was thinkilng and by posting it they wanted me to read it.

If it is an honest opinion even badly worded as to try to hurt it is an honest opinion and they deserve to say it. I don't have it agree lol but you know sometimes I do partially.

The following is personal to Jaye.

I really miss your postings and while we sometimes don't agree they are a value to us all. I think you have many many times been misunderstood by the mods and have been harshly judged but that is no reason not to post here. Sure it hurst and sometimes it is a pain to have to put your words through someone who you have no connection with either emotionally or intellectually and don't really connect with.

**Disclaimer added here by Chemar** This needs to be clarified--- the mods and admin here at NeuroTalk have never had to moderate anything written by Jaye and so this reference above is to other forums and NOT to NeuroTalk.

But they are the bosses and they under John own this site and we are the guests. True no guests, no site, so we have to abide by what they say and while one on one connection sometimes works most often it does not.

There is a comunication gap as they too are constrained by these rules and conditions imposed on them to enforce.

So no communication of a one to one type is available. They are on one side and we are on the other.

So stay around and let the chips fall where they may. We are all adults and I admit I have been in contact with the moderators over some problems but the contact was as cold as could be because of their rules and regulations they work under.

There is and they have, the moserators as well as John Grohol and John Lester for that matter no answer to the problem of communication on the net. I guess the only thilng is a period of waiting before the post is entered to see what is posted first but that is impossible so they too are in the dark as to what to do.

But you hve to admit this is and enticing and vexing way to communicate and while this is bad just think of someone with Als trying to communicate as well and after hours of single letters being punched by a faccial muscle or a twitch of an eyebrow and then being deleted by someone who has no knowledge of the effort and time spent on it is heartbreaking. That is why the Als forum is empty.

The hours apent along the path to utter paralysis and the only comuications left to them was Braintalk and to lose that was to lose their past altogether. Their is no hope for some to ever get it back as they have progressed too far in their disease.

So even with these problems there is a door that at the moment is only ajar so will the human being behind it come on in and sit and have a coffee as she once did with us all.

With hope and respect for all tryig to make this work and while at the same time not hiding behind masks and beautifull bodies and make believe worlds such as Second Life. Here we are real.

As Popeye says I am what I am and that's all that I am.

Kind of wish in a way I looked like Olive Oil but the resembalnce to Whimpy is closer lol how do you like that for truth lol

Last edited by Chemar; 06-19-2007 at 04:16 PM.
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