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Old 06-20-2007, 08:17 AM
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MelodyL MelodyL is offline
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I was never so bored in all my life. And that's good, right?? Because bordom means no complications. So I fell asleep on the couch, and woke up snoring. I was so embarrassed. And there was that lovely nurse, writing in the IVIG folder, and checking his vitals. I asked her "how do you do this every day?" and she said "And I have to go to Manhattan after this is finished". It was now 6:30 p.m.

God bless these nurses, they really do their job.

I do believe Alan has allergies. His voice was deeper yesterday but he had no fever. No cough, no nothing. Just rubbing his eyes and talking like a baritone.

I have never heard his voice like this.

This morning he said "my throat is a little sore", and I go "uh oh" maybe there will be no infusion today. He has no fever. He said "it's just that I just woke up and my throat is dry". I said "well we have to make sure before the nurse comes. I'll take your temp after you finish eating breakfast and rest a bit.

So it's now 9:a.m. and his forehead feels cool. His throat is better. The thermometer is in his mouth, so we shall see.

Last night I phoned my friend who is the most allergic person on this planet. She said a 25 of Benedryl would do nothing for her. I told her about Alan and she said "Oh my god, you opened your windows today?" and I said 'of course I opened my windows, what on earth are you talking about?" and she said "don't you know that today is a bad allergy day, I already have hives all over my face". I said "you have what all over your face, why"??? and she goes "the pollen, the pollen". I said "what about The Pollen, the Pollen?" and she laughed and said "you never open the windows on a bad pollen day". and I said 'oh really, well I have screens and how am I supposed to get the house cooled off" and she laughed and said "Pollen goes through screens".

Now Alan has never been allergic to pollen (so I thought) in his whole life. He went to an allergist several years ago (on his journey to find out why he had Neuropathy) and the doctor said "your're fine", just don't use strong detergent in your wash, you have sensitive skin".

Now I'm the one who was severely allergic as a child. When I was 6, I remember going with my dad to see Dr. Goldberg and I was diagnosed with Rose Fever (I have no idea what Rose Fever is), some sort of hay fever, I would imagine. But I remember vividly going for a shot once a week. I also remember lying on a table and they put these hot tubes up my nose and flushed some kind of liquid in me. I will never forget those experiences.

Can't remember how long this went on. But I grew out of it.

Can a person grow out of allergies?? And when I asked my friend can allergies affect a person's throat? she all but yelled at me "are you kidding, the throat can close up, thank god he took a benedryl".

Guess I have much more to learn hah???

Oh, his temp is normal.

Just made some more muffins (they cleaned me out yesterday). This one is blueberry honey. Jeez they smell good.

But I'm good, I only allow myself one a day.

Oh, five minutes before the nurse came yesterday, I had all my windows open. I have two ceramic chinese vases with flower arrangements on each windowsill. The middle window was closed (thank god). I also have a free standing tall vase with long live bamboo plants and artificial flowers mixed in. It really makes a beautiful corner flower arrangement. Well, it did until yesterday. Some kind of windy front blew in and in two seconds flat, my tall corner flower arrangments were on the floor, the glass was shattered and all my water was all over the living room. And this was 5 minutes before the nurse arrived. So Alan said "what did I tell you about putting flowers near the windows? No sooner had I cleaned that mess up, when we hear BOOM, and the other vase on the windowsill was blown off and to the floor. All my beautiful chinese vase (all $3.99 worth of it, I got it at the dollar store), well, it was on the floor in shards. Since the flowers are fake, thank god there was no water. Then the nurse walks in and says "mon dieu". and I laughed and said "not too worry, this is the second one in five minutes". The wind was blowing and howling like a big storm was brewing. Alan said "If you ever put a vase in the window again, well...... I laughed and said "that's it for me, no more ceramic vases with flowes. So I had to CLEAN THAT ONE UP TOO. I had to make sure there was no shards or glass fragments on the floor.

Thank god for swiffer wet. Saves my life.

So we are good to go for today's transfusion.

Tomorrow Alan is supposed to get his oft Loading shoe.

speak to you guys soon.

Hope you are having more pain free days.

Love, Melody

Oh, I just read this on my MSN home page. Thought you might find it interesting!



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