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Old 07-08-2015, 08:44 AM
canifindagooddr canifindagooddr is offline
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canifindagooddr canifindagooddr is offline
Join Date: Dec 2014
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8 yr Member

Originally Posted by LIT LOVE View Post
I have a feeling I understand why your attorney was willing to accept your case now. My guess is s/he is betting you won't be approved at the first stage and that you'll end up before an ALJ and will rack up significant backpay and win at that point.

^^^You really think for those reasons? He told me that they turn down 75% of the people who call. I asked him if he thought I had a strong case. He said, "Yes". I asked, "On what basis?"

^^^"You have an excellent work history. You are over 50. You have excellent medical records with DXs and TXs. You have multiple health isses that are going on."

You need to keep the focus on the PN, and the PN exacerbating your pre-existing mental disabilities.

^^^OK. That is what I told my shrink yesterday. I kept saying something like this, "As you know . . . I was doing OK with divorce. . . was working my way thorgh (no auto spell check?)my 'plan', but the PN . . . it just became so painful and fatiguing that it screwed up all of my coginitive functions." He shook his head in affirmation.

Just so you're aware, SS will usually consider medical records beginning 12 months prior to your Alleged Onset Date (AOD) and for mental health records, they'll look back 24 months prior to your AOD.

^^^ Are you saying that they will not consider medical records over the last 6 months? And/or the last 3 months? And/or the last three days? When I called them last week (via the phone number and ext provided on the Function Report Cover Sheet) I asked, "I have skin biospy results that I just got last week from KU. They prove with scientific data (I am outside the ranges on 2 of the 3 sites tested on me), that I have 'small fiber periperal neuropathy'. She with out hesitation, and with enthusiasm said, 'Yes! Attach and send those. Write your name and case # on them."

^^^Thank you very much for providing the listing below. I will put a few comments amongst them:

BP is also a Listed Impairment.

"12.04 Affective disorders: Characterized by a disturbance of mood, accompanied by a full or partial manic or depressive syndrome. Mood refers to a prolonged emotion that colors the whole psychic life; it generally involves either depression or elation.

^^^YES to all the above.

The required level of severity for these disorders is met when the requirements in both A and B are satisfied, or when the requirements in C are satisfied.

^^^OK. Let's take a look. I just need ONE from group A? Understanding that I still need to look at and satisfy B additionally.

A. Medically documented persistence, either continuous or intermittent, of one of the following:

1. Depressive syndrome characterized by at least four of the following:

a. Anhedonia or pervasive loss of interest in almost all activities; or

^^^YES. Told doc.

b. Appetite disturbance with change in weight; or

^^^YES. Told doc. Wt went from a healthy 165, down to an unhealthy 140. I'm 6 foot tall.

c. Sleep disturbance; or

^^^Yes. Told neurologist. I do not think I talked with my shrink about this.

d. Psychomotor agitation or retardation; or

^^^Yes. Talked with my shrink about this.

e. Decreased energy; or

Yes. Talked with my shrink about this.

f. Feelings of guilt or worthlessness; or

^^^Yes, not sure if we discussed it or not.

g. Difficulty concentrating or thinking; or

^^^Yes, I talked with my shrink about this.

h. Thoughts of suicide; or

^^^Yes. Talked to my shrink about this.

i. Hallucinations, delusions, or paranoid thinking; or

^^^Did not talk to my shrink about this but he probably picked up on some 'delusions' and/or 'paranoid thinking'.

2. Manic syndrome characterized by at least three of the following:

a. Hyperactivity; or

^^^I can't remember if the shrink and I talked about this but I imagine he saw it as we talked with each other. I mentioned, "I took 1 mg of Klonopin an hour ago . . . to slow me down enough to have a decent conversation with you." I am allowed 2mgs of Klonopin a day. That was 1 of my 2 mgs for that day.

b. Pressure of speech; or

^^^I don't know what this means.

c. Flight of ideas; or

^^^We have talked in the past and we talked yesterday about, 'how Klonopin slows down all my racing thoughts . . . and makes me settle down and think about them more sanely . . . but I still need help on learning how to cope with the CHRONIC disease of PN.' He shook his head in the affirmative.

d. Inflated self-esteem; or

^^^Have not discussed. The mountain, cannot see the mountain (IE. I am the 'mountain'). Therefore, he might have noted this unbeknownist to me.

e. Decreased need for sleep; or

^^^The same comments as 'd.'

f. Easy distractibility; or

^^^Yes, I have talked to my shrink several times about this. It is a common symptom of ADD. Yes, I know - the topic at hand is BP . . . but there are some overlaps between the two.

g. Involvement in activities that have a high probability of painful consequences which are not recognized; or

^^^Possibly my not showing/having 'proper respect' to my bosses?

h. Hallucinations, delusions or paranoid thinking; or

^^^Have not discussed. Lets go with the mountain theory again. What is 'paranoid thinking'? Is worrying about running out of money 'paranoid thinking'? I do not have hallucinations. I do not think others are out to 'get me' (except for my X-wife).

3. Bipolar syndrome with a history of episodic periods manifested by the full symptomatic picture of both manic and depressive syndromes (and currently characterized by either or both syndromes);


B. Resulting in at least two of the following:

1. Marked restriction of activities of daily living; or

2. Marked difficulties in maintaining social functioning; or

3. Marked difficulties in maintaining concentration, persistence, or pace; or

4. Repeated episodes of decompensation, each of extended duration;


C. Medically documented history of a chronic affective disorder of at least 2 years' duration that has caused more than a minimal limitation of ability to do basic work activities, with symptoms or signs currently attenuated by medication or psychosocial support, and one of the following:

^^^I do not qualify for section C. Thanks again for all your efforts Lit. They are very much appreciated and not done in vain. I may be an $ss at times, but it is NEVER my intent, it is one of my mental illnesses . . . made worse when my feet are being particullary (sp) 'naughty'. END.

1. Repeated episodes of decompensation, each of extended duration; or

2. A residual disease process that has resulted in such marginal adjustment that even a minimal increase in mental demands or change in the environment would be predicted to cause the individual to decompensate; or

3. Current history of 1 or more years' inability to function outside a highly supportive living arrangement, with an indication of continued need for such an arrangement."
^^^Tried to post. It stated that my message was too short . . . Strange considering all the words I wrote above. So, I am adding this to the bottom hoping to correct said problem.
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