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Old 07-08-2015, 11:48 AM
canifindagooddr canifindagooddr is offline
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canifindagooddr canifindagooddr is offline
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Thank you Lit. Your attention to detail is a BIG help. It is an area I struggle with. I am quick to say, "Just give me the big picture please!" I get bored with details (ADD?) YET I know and understand the concept behind 'the 'devil' is in the details.' So, again - a BIG thank you.

Originally Posted by LIT LOVE View Post
You just need to make sure it's clear PN is the main issue and that the mental health issues have been exacerbated. Why is this important? Because you were able to work with the mental health issues prior to that.

^^^I guess my 2013 FMLA goes back to far? No. You told me two years. Anyway . . . details so I don't know.

^^^In 2013 I was on FMLA for dx'd PTSD. I was teaching at a new and different school that I had to travel to every other afternoon. School A - my main school. I started every morning there. School B - my 'step-child' school. I taught there every other afternoon. Larger classes. Longer class periods. TOTALLY different support/discipline system/management of children's behavior. A big CHANGE . . . that eventually caused me to decomposs (is that the word I want?!) to the point that I was not functioning safely to be around children. Hence my FMLA that year.

There just needs to be a connection. The mental health just seemed to come out of left field.

^^^See above. A major 'monkey wrench' was thrown into my teaching life and sechdule and I did not handle it well. My partner (the music teacher - music and PE switch classes together), who was only in her second year of teaching was also stressed by the situation . . . However, she is of better mind than me and she was able to perservere and get through it. I fell apart. Too much stress . . . and I tend to fall apart. Too much stress is a common trigger for BP.

And yes, it's not a bad idea to use the Impaired Listing as a template to make sure you cover those issues that apply. Providing a separate letter like the sample I provided is a good idea too.

^^^Yes, Lit. Thank you.

My question for you is, if you only had the PN would you still be unable to work? My guess is yes.

^^^You are correct. Yes, if I only had PN I could not work my old job (or probably any job due to my need to lay on a bed at least twice during an 'easy' 8-5 day).

^^^The way things are now -- during a normal 8am - 5pm, of me just walking around my little apartment doing errands in the apt - I must lay down at least twice a day during that time for PN relief. On visitations with my daughters - on blah, blah day - I see them for an 8 hour day - twice a month. Withhout fail . . . when I get them back to their Mom and get back to my little apartment . . . I collaspe on my bed due to PN. All I have done with them was sit and watch them play at a park and/or board/card games with me and them. I lay on the floor as we play the previously mentioned games.

^^^School B drastically improved their management of children for school year 2014 and 2015.

^^^I learned some good coping skills during my FMLA to deal with school B. I had talk and group therapy 3 times a week during FMLA 2013 - that is where i learned the above mentioned coping skills.

^^^School B morphed into a very 'doable' situation due to the factor I just mentioned above. So, mentally . . . school was not a big problem. It only became a big problem again . . . when the PN symptoms were so uncomfortable that I could not think straight . . . I could not stay caught up at school or home . . . my world was slowly (then quickly) as the syptoms got more intense . . . spiralling downward . . . out of control. Then the mental conditions all kicked in on HIGH GEAR.

^^^Please trust and believe me that I sincerely DID NOT want to go on FMLA this year. I begged the doc to give me SOMETHING med-wise so I could finish this school year. The doc said, "ABSOLUTELY NOT! If you are hitting yourself in the head with a hammer . . . and your head hurts . . . PUT DOWN THE HAMMER!" Those were the doc's exact words. Those words were very hard to hear. I wanted to finish . . . Again, I BEGGED the doc for meds (even opiaoptes (sp)) to finish . . . The doc would not budge and after 45 minutes on the phone with me, the doc finally convinced me of the immediate need for me to use FMLA again . . . much to my saddness and disappointment. But, looking back now, I can see it really was the only sane chose I had. Now, I thank the above mentioned doc for his persistence and care of/for me.

If I'm correct, treat it that seriously. Think of the PN as cake and your impairments as icing.

^^^Please define 'impairments' for me. My apologies.

DO NOT, discuss, "Maybe in a year or two I can at least work half-days" or you will encourage a denial. You're opening the door for doubt and that you might be capable of working. IF you are able to return to work, that'll be great, but neither you nor your doc can predict that.

^^^Excellent points. Thank you. At this point, my returning to work is nothing more than 'wishful' thinking on my part . . .

^^^A disabled friend (sickle cell) has told me, "Look. You need a year to get on a treatment plan that works (if that is possible), then once on that plan . . . you need a year (at least) to let your body REST and HEAL itself (if in fact that is possible)."

The only thing I don't remember seeing you respond to was if your doc had suggested you need a walker or cane. It's a bit inconsistent to claim you're falling and not using a devise to help.
^^^When I have pushed too hard and cause my symptoms to flair up and I have 'naughty' feet - 'falling' was an exeraggiton (sp) a bit. However, stumbling twice in my small apartment and having the walls 'catch' me is not. Now that I think more about it - it has happened in my small apt at least 3 times in the last 2 months. Most of my limited movement occurs in my small apartment because I isolate due to the PN.

^^^Stumbling like a drunk WHEN my feet get 'naughty' would be a more accurate description. And, I try to STOP, BEFORE they get that bad . . . head for my bed . . . rest for an hour . . . then up again I go . . . trying to finish my household chores.

^^^Thank you for helping me clarify that better.

^^^Finally, when seeing my shrink yesterday . . . he is on the second floor. I pushed the elevator button. 15 seconds went by and nothing. So, I, by habit - began looking for a stairwell. I found one! Then I quickly reminded myself . . . "You do not do stairs very well any more PN boy. Wait another 15-30 seconds for the elevator . . . " This made me very sad. I have always praticed what I preach as far as loving and being a 'MOVER'. A tennis player and bike rider EVERY weekend I could . . . that has not happened for two years now due to PN . . . . SAD . . . Active man is trying to adjust to being a sedentary man . . . Sad. . . .

^^^Time to get on brother's bed for at least 30 minutes . . . then get ready for my 30 minute drive to KU to see my neurologist. Thanks again.
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