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Old 06-21-2007, 12:32 PM
kathy d kathy d is offline
Join Date: Nov 2006
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kathy d kathy d is offline
Join Date: Nov 2006
Posts: 327
15 yr Member
Thumbs up Maybe there are dust mites????

Dear Ada [DreamBeliever128],
I just had to help you out with what you are going son and I have really bad allergies too so I know what your life is like now. I thought I could give you helpful ideas that may solve or limit your allergy problems.

The first thing I could suggest is a dust mite pillow case cover [They are amazing], a dust mite matress cover that zips up and closes the entire matress, a boxspring dust mite cover that zips close and zips up too. I have seen them at Kmart or places like that. I have an allergy catalog that I subscribe to called "National Allergy." They have a web site at and their telephone number is 1-800-522-1448. I have purchased many things over the years from them and they are very reputable. My allergist told me about them. I would suggest a HEPA filter to put on overnight, which I do every night to help me with my allergies to almost everything except cat dander. I have neighbors that recently moved in and smoke like chimneys so I've had to use my HEPA filter in my apt. during the day and it helps. My biggies are mold, grass and tree pollen. Mold pollen occurs every time it rains, snows, or you have any kind of accumulation of water in your home. You may even want to look into getting a humidifier for your heater to help put some moisture in your home to keep you able to breathe better.

For those that are allergic to animal dander...I have found out that if you are allergic to cats and you visit a home that has cats if they have recently vacummed your allergies will go crazy. If they do not vacuum until after you leave your allergies to the cat will be less because once you vacuum the dander goes through the air. Also, I faithfully use HEPA filters for my vacuum cleaner bags and you may want to get HEPA air filters for your A/C.

I cringed when you said you mowed the grass and then your neighbor moved yours. ALWAYS make sure you are inside for a few hours at least with all your windows completely closed before anyone in the neighborhood mows grass. If you have to mow it you should use a mask over your nose and mouth to protect you against the pollen. The pollen blows everywhere!!!! I usually have to keep my windows clsoed for two days after they mow our grass. Also, at night you need to keep all your windows closed. If you are outside during the day before you go to bed you should shower because all the dander stays in your hair and when you sleep you just place it on your pillow and breathe it in all night.

I also think there is a daily web site called that you can contact to find out what pollen is in your area.

I try to control my allergens and my son's allergens as much as possible or otherwise we both suffer alot. I have asthma and my some has it too. I have stopped using all inhalers and only use 10mg of singulair at night to control it and my son takes allegra overnight and we both do well as long as we control it, get plenty of rest. It seems when my stress gets higher my asthma acts up so I try to control it by relaxing my body as much as possible to help maintain it. It has been a hard job since getting RSD and all the other "fun" things that go along with it but I try each day to control my pain and my allergies. I hope what I have told you helps you get some relief. Please feel free to send me an email if you have any other questions that I may help you with.
Take care and good luck,
kathy d.
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