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Old 08-17-2015, 06:04 PM
DazedandConfused86 DazedandConfused86 is offline
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DazedandConfused86 DazedandConfused86 is offline
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Default Oops, I did it again! :'(

Hey guys! Sorry I haven't gotten back to your replies on my last post. (The one about speech difficulties, iirc.) I'd reply to you each personally -- it's what decent people do, right? (; -- but sometimes, I just need to vent on here, see what you suggest, take your advice, and then... let things be.

I got a rather nasty(?) knock while swimming a couple days ago, and I'm... errghhhhh! I'm starting college in less than a week, and I'm praying it didn't make things worse. (Or permanent.)


Backstory: May 7th, 2015. I tapped the front, back, and sides of my head, several times, against a hollow wall... after a fight with my dad. Obviously, I didn't get knocked out! Didn't "see stars", either. No bruises, no bumps. But it was hard enough to give me a rather nasty, week-long headache...

That headache was a pulsating kind. It would crawl around in my head, and then fade away for a few minutes... only to start back up again. Yet somehow, I was able to write several college application essays with this persistent headache - presumably, my cognitive skills and memory weren't impacted.

I'm not 100% certain if that (stupid) self-injurious headbanging was a concussion? It was never checked out by a medical professional-- so that's that. Come May 14th, my headache was gone... and then I started worrying about possible "delayed" symptoms. Every time I'd stutter, or lose my temper, or feel overly tired, I'd ruminate over that possible concussion. :/

^^^ Sorry to keep repeating my sob story in every single post I make!
I'd put a condensed version in my signature instead, but I don't post here that often. I actually try to stay away from this site... and only lurk if I need reminders on brain health. When I seriously need to get something off my chest, that's when I post.


Which brings us to...

August 14th - three days ago - I was swimming in the ocean. I should mention it's like my own personal therapy. In fact, I was going through a crappy depressive spell for about a week leading up to the 14th- and usually, taking a dip completely relaxes my mind and body, even if just for a few moments.

The waves were rough. And boy, I love it rough! Except, that day...

One came up and knocked me off my body-board (smaller and softer than a surfboard). I was tossed around underwater, and then... the back of my head, neck, and shoulders crashed into the sand.

Didn't pass out - thank god! I immediately got out, and tried walking it off. Didn't feel disoriented - just a little shook up, and a little "out of it". Vision was okay, memory was alright (I repeated my social security number in my head to make sure - LOL) my only problem... ONE NASTY HEADACHE. This happened around 6pm - and when I got home, I slept from 8 pm to 7 am.

Since that day, I've been having off-and-on headaches the kind that feel like my hair's getting pulled - and I have short hair, so it's definitely not a "ponytail headache".

I've been doing regular neck stretches (which seem to help!) and popping Fish Oil pills like a junkie. (And D3's, B-12's, Magnesiums at night, drinking decaf Green Tea, etc.)

But I'm still worried about this, you know? ): I've been having some weird cognitive-related symptoms - but they predate my "wipe-out" on the 14th, so that complicates everything!

I could expand on them in another post - I'm getting pretty long-winded here.
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