Originally Posted by KirraJade
answering my own post. Not really, but just an observation. Since resting and not talking much for five days, I looked in the mirror, and it looks like I have had a surgical face lift. My eyes are not droopy, I have more tone in my face. Breathing a little better. All these years and I finally figure it out. My dad is coming for a visit. I will make a note on how droopy I look after. I hate seeing photos of myself, but hubby is my witness. I wonder if chest appendages improve tone with rest
You certainly have lots of symptoms of MG, but no one except your doctor can tell for sure. MG is far too hard to pin down by listing the amount of symptoms you are having (good luck by the way). You have wrote about many symptoms I am familiar with, but some could be anything.
You live in a place I always wanted to visit, but have not, at least yet. Good luck and find a good Nuro doctor if possible.