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Old 09-08-2015, 10:08 PM
Deuce Deuce is offline
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Deuce Deuce is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2015
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Default Worsening vision

Hi everyone.

I was coming on here about a month or two ago as a way of coping with my PCS. However, I stopped coming because I felt that maybe talking about it all the time might have a bad effect of dwelling too much on my symptoms. Still, I explained my original situation in my thread when I joined here, so if anyone needs more details to my question now, I'll dig up that thread and link to it.

Anyway. I've returned because I have a question that I've been stressing a lot over. Basically, over the past month or so, I've started to have a lot of vision problems again. My original vision symptoms at the start of my concussion had me feeling foggy, but I feel like currently it's kind of evolved into something else.

Today my vision has just been very blurry overall. I can't seem to focus on anything, because everything just feels like it's a blur. These kinds of things are especially sensitive when I'm in brightly lit rooms or there's a lot of motion, but even without those conditions I'm experiencing these kinds of problems.

Overall my vision has just been weird too. Like if I only have one eye open I can't see very well at all (either eye). Having both eyes open is a little better but I still always feel like things just aren't quite in focus. I'm constantly trying to focus on one object or look at the ground because when I have too many things in my line of sight things are just blurry and foggy. I also noticed at one point that my peripheral vision seems to be blurrier than when I'm looking at something head on.

I'm just coming here because I'm wondering if you guys think this is normal PCS stuff and I'm overreacting, or if I might have a serious problem that I should be concerned about? I've started doing a lot of internet searches again which I haven't done in a long time and I'm starting to scare myself, thinking that my injury might have damaged my optic nerve and that I'm going to go blind or something. I really hope I'm just overreacting because I'm really scared. Being blind is one of my biggest fears. I'm seeing an ophthalmologist in a week and a half to get my eyes checked but in the meantime it's hard not to dwell on it.

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