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Old 06-26-2007, 05:55 PM
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Thelma Thelma is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2006
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"At the end of WW2 women had proven their abilities to keep the countries war production up ', true but there was no longer any wars to be won or lost hence no jobs beyond those few that could return to normal production as before the war and so no need for women any longer. no jobs no women needed. So the only jobs that could be had went to the returning men.

Uncle Sam had his boys home and while it was boys who went away and left their girls behind it was men who returned to the women now waiting. Nothing was as before the war.

The comment barefoot and pregnant was meant to insinuate that women were to go back as it was as their men who would take care of them were home now. Most of the women were pregnant very shortly after the men returned in the hurry to make up for those lost years. Some were happy but some had had a taste of freedom and didn't want to have more babies around.

But there was no birth control back then except for the self control of both men and women and in the state of marriage sometimes their was little choice. People being what and who they were.

Lots of these marriages failed from the strain and even those that didn't felt the strain of additional mouths to feed and house.

There was abortions back then that were horrendous in nature and the life of the woman was always in danger from them. Both men and women had to face this decision and it could not have been easy. I remember one particular woman who lhad an abortion and never got over the physical harm she later endured because of it.

No hospitalizations for these women in case someone found out. No health care insurance in that time anyways till Blue Cross came in later on.

Those were the days you were given a certain number of days to be in hospital and if longer you paid or left. But that is a different story and you don't want to get me started on that.

At the time of the Korean war things had so improved. It wasn't as long and we did not have a heavy involvement. I am sorry about what your father was like but paedophilia is not a condition brought on by war that aI know of.

Many women have in thier lives made poor choices of husbands, including me, but that is a problem for both sexes. We have in a sinse been lucky in the past as when the breakup come we had the children to keep with us and I always felt bad forthe decent men who wanted their children and perhaps could have been a much better parent than the mother was. I believe a lot of marriages stayed because of the father not wanting to give up custody of the children.

The generation who the second world war were not the generation of the depression. sure they were the children of it as I was but as a child the problems were ot mine to care about. I don't thilnk any generation gives to the children all that they missed in their lives unless those things existed in their childhood.

The last three generations have seen such progress that each one had all new inventions in the homes and playgrounds that the parents had a hard time keeing up. But pennypinchers for their kids I don't think so. Not everyone was on skid row in the depression as the home next to you was in the same boat as you were and all was in a sense abnormal yet normal if lyou know what I mean. But it made good reading and writers took many liberties of that time but it never could be told as well in a book till the movie came out. Then the true story could be embellished and all could cry.

In response to what Sheryl wrote and the remark made here of the smart way to prevent the destruction of these embryos is to not creat them in the first place. is a good one. But who is the super dooper human being that has the smarts to see into the future and predict that the partner he or she is with will not change from what they have been to acheive this union and progress or reverse into another form that can not be ther to see the child through life.

I know of no one who practices this or ever did.

I am not making any judgement on george bush as that will be done by history in it's own inimitable way it has of dethroning the mighty. Anyones choice about politics is theirs only of course but not to hear each others opinions is to walk back into the same trap or as many call it war.

George will be judged by the amount of weapons of mass destruction that are still to be found. Till they are this war is illegal.

So many young boys have died and won't be coming home as men and that is the crime.

I listen to the news regularly and hear all sides of every story. Each has a comomon element, died today, monies being spent, civilians killed, Nicky what's her name, monies stolen by Black and his cronies,will Al Gore run again,.


Stem cells, are they the answer or not, do you know anyone here for sure, if so prove it to me and I will stop this imediately.

Hell I may be really old but while there is life in the old Babe she doesn't have to waste it chasing a dream. MJF needs a rest as well I suspect.

Many times in my long life I never took a stand as I didn't want to cause waves. Noe let the water come.

Whoops shouldn't put that in when a member has just been flooded but it sounds good so what the hey.

I have benefitted by my inaction as well as those who fought the fight for me and that is not good. Now is payback time and while you say you have sound reasons I say good on you and I wish I shared them as you seem so positive that you have the right answer. I hope they hold up to scrutiny.

I don't feel the need to fight as hard as I used to with the information coming in on all sides of the house and the world that the cure is while not here yet definitely in sight.

I don't have the time to wait and see the dance but I am sure I will hear the music.

Your a great bunch
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