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Old 01-07-2016, 12:50 PM
DallasGuy DallasGuy is offline
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DallasGuy DallasGuy is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2016
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Default Help me build a Neuropathy vitamin list please.

My Saying hello post:

(Won't let me post it, as I have less then 10 posts. Just look in New Member Introductions for post: Hi. Just 7 days in. Life going down hill. Help. I"ll update this post with a real link when it lets me.

I'm pretty certain I have neuropathy. Have no idea what kind or why though. I feel taking vitamins can't hurt though.

I want to attack this head on! I really do. I'm desperate to do so.

Vitamin list: Please help me build a killer vitamin list so that I can get them shipped to me post haste! :-)

Every says take b12 methylcobalamin. Has anyone tried the patch or cream?

What do people think of this guys list?

Take supplements at the start of meals to protect the esophagus, except where the bottle recommends taking without food.

Dose Per
Rationale / Comments
Vit B12
1,000 - 6,000 mcg day
Boosts nerve function. Is required for and dramatically speeds nerve healing. Compensates for possible deficiency. Use sublingual methylcobalamin if available, or 1,000 mcg of cyanocobalamin if not. Take IN ADDITION TO the B-complex. Up to 36,000 mcg/day injected are prescribed in Japan for PN.
B-50 1/day
Needed for energy, nerve function, nerve healing. A B-50 formulation is about twice as strong as a regular B-complex. Two B-50s or one B-100 is at the upper safety limit. Take with breakfast so it help your body utilize your food all day.
Folate or folic acid
Up to 1200 mcg. 1/day
An important component in nerve function, shown to be deficient in many cases of neuropathy. Helps fight depression and bipolar disorder. Check the folate level in your B-50, and supplement with enough to bring your folate intake to 800 - 1200 mcg/day. Men with neuropathy need more than women. If it doesn’t help within about six weeks, the amount in your B-50 should be sufficient.
Vit C
250 mg./day. The latest research is that this is all we can use. Not needed if you eat a good diet since almost all fruit and veggies have vitamin C. Antioxidant, heals nerves.
Vit E mixed tocopherals.
400 iu /day
Antioxidant, heals nerves. More than 400 iu of cheap sythesized l-alpha-tecopheral can cause heart problems. Formulations with plenty of gamma-tocopherals and are heart and nerve healthy. Is a blood thinner. Ask your doctor if you take prescription blood thinners.
500 mg. 2/day
Heals nerves, reduces pain, improves memory, elevates mood and increases energy. Works with Alpha lipoic acid. 3,000 mg./day heals nerves and reduces pain over a year's use in several studies. That would be very costly, but worthwhile if you can afford it.

Alpha Lipoic Acid
800 mg. day
Antioxident. 800 mg./day is prescribed in Europe for PN. Help all tissue repair and nerve function. The only antioxidant that gets into neurons because it is both fat and water soluble. Works with the Acetyl-L-Carnatine
400 - 1200 mg 1/day on an empty stomach
Methyl donor. Potent antioxidant. Help vitamins and enzyme systems work. Fights depression, aids sleep, anti-arthritic. Helps liver detoxification. Ask your doctor if you have bipolar disorder because it can increase manic phase symptoms. Expensive, so start with 1200 mg/day, then taper to 400 or 800 mg. after two weeks.
500 mg. Magnesium 2/day
Nerve and muscle function, bone strength. Magnesium helps stop twitches, cramps, and fascilations, reduces pain, lowers blood pressure, and prevents heart disease. Take a formulation of easily absorbed acid salts or chelates. Potassium, calcium, and magnesium are all required for muscle and nerve function. Potassium is in most fruit and vegetables. Too much Ca/Mg can cause kidney stones. The proper ration is two parts of elemental calcium to one of magnesium. A caution: magnesium citrate is a potent laxative. If you start supplementing with magnesium and get the runs, try another formulation or cut down the amount.
Fish Oil
1000 mg 2-3/day
Antioxidant. Promote joint health, circulatory system health. Anti-inflammatory, anti-arthritic. Omega 3 fatty acids. Specific for neuropathy. Lower blood pressure. Moisturizes skin and makes hair shiny. Is a blood thinner. Ask your doctor if you take prescription blood thinners.
Flax seed
2 tbsp. day
Omega 3 fatty acids. Helps your digestion, blood circulation, general nerve and muscle function. Flax seed has lignins which provides cancer protection.
Milk thistle
200 mg-70% 3/day
Stimulate and promote liver detoxification. Use only if needed: if the liver is sore or if you were exposed to toxins or drugs.
PB-8 or other probiotic formula.
1 or 2/day
Probiotics-ensure good amount and healthy balance of intestinal bacteria. Healthy intestinal bacteria produce many nerve essential compounds. Live culture yogurt is a probiotic that has the same beneficial effect, if you can handle the small amount of milk sugar in it.
Coenzyme Q-10
50 mg, 2/day. Necessary for muscle and nerve function. Compensate for depletion caused by some drugs such as statins.

50 mg. in morning on empty stomach
Promotes healing, energy, libido. Most people over 50 need to supplement with DHEA. Recommended by Life Extension Foundation for peripheral neuropathy.


Where to buy? I normally shop at Puritan Pride. Where would you all recommend? Amazon?

I really need all of my vitamins to be gel caps or something easy to swallow. No dry tablets please.

If something you recommend is pricey, please tell me anyway on what it is, and where to get it, but if you can also list an alternative, then please do so as well. Maybe after taking the pricey one to get started, i can think about the less pricey one down the road if all is going well.

I'm going to be reading a ton of back posts on this site on everything, and have been for hours now, but I really need to get going on this. My symptoms are spreading by the hour.

Thanks. :-)
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