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Old 01-13-2016, 05:35 PM
Angels31 Angels31 is offline
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Angels31 Angels31 is offline
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Default Thank you, Bryanna

Originally Posted by bryanna View Post

i glanced back at your original posts about this dental problem and the longevity of the ongoing sinus and tooth problem stems back at least 6 years. Meaning you've had infection in the upper left area of your mouth and sinus for at least that long. When you had the infected root canaled tooth removed in october 2015, the sinus remained infected. So just taking into consideration the longevity and intensity of the infection it is easy to understand why this infection is so intense and complicated. I am glad that you did not decide to treat the sinus infection yourself with herbs or tinctures after the tooth was removed as that would have been a huge mistake.

In cases like yours, there are no easy or direct solutions in the approach to treat this infection. Eradicating the infection completely is going to be difficult and lengthy. It may or may not have been ideal to place the bone graft, we talked about that in the earlier original posts. Some surgeons think the graft helps with the healing in these cases, while others think just the opposite. Some think removing the graft early on is advantageous, others leave it in awhile to see what happens. So the decision is based on the preference of your oral surgeon. Please remind me... Has he done a 3 d dental and head scan?

Also, i know you had planned on putting a dental implant in that #14 spot. I urge you to reconsider that option very carefully as most likely this area of your mouth and sinus is going to be less than optimally healthy for a very long time.

Antibiotics can be life saving medications when used appropriately. However, they are not without risk or systemic complications and some like levaquin can result in a debilitating condition called peripheral neuropathy. I am going to post a link from neurologist dr perlmutter for informational purposes only. My point in bringing this information to the forefront is that it is important to understand the risks of the medications being prescribed so that we can make the best choices for ourselves as the doctors often leave out a lot of this pertinent information when writing out the prescription.

The fact that the culture showed sensitivity to levaquin indicates that at least some of the infectious bacteria will be destroyed by the medication. But this is not a medication that should be prescribed repeatedly by any means. After this prescription another culture of the bacteria should be taken.

Also, each time you take antibiotics, irrelevant of which one, the medication destroys the healthy intestinal bacteria that is essential to sustain a healthy life. You cannot replenish this bacteria by eating foods alone unless you are eating home made kefir derived from non sugar sources on a daily basis. Dr perlmutter has worked with a food and supplement company called garden of life and together they have formulated some very good quality probiotics. You can look at those probiotics several places online, but here are two good sources.... and Probiotics are essential to take during antibiotic therapy and then indefinitely thereafter to not just replenish the healthy bacteria but to keep it thriving in your gut. They should be taken one hour away from the antibiotic to avoid contradiction between the two. Generally taking 2 capsules (one at 2 different times of the day), more if necessary, during the course of taking antibiotics is recommended. Then stay on that regimen for at least 2 weeks after the meds are done. Reduce the dosage to one capsule per day unless you have digestive symptoms indicating to take more. Each person is unique in what they need.

Also, the fact that you are rinsing with an antibiotic mouth rinse means that you are killing off not just the negative bacteria in your mouth, but the positive as well. This will pre dispose you to thrush or other oral infections not just while using it but afterwards as well. Opening up a capsule of the probiotic and putting it in some water just enough to rinse thoroughly with will be helpful at replenishing the good bacteria in the mouth. After using that, do not rinse out and it should be done an hour away from using the antibiotic oral rinse. Ideal if you could do that at night just before bed.

regarding when to take the 3d scan.... It's a judgement call by the oral surgeon. He should be aware of the fact that you feel like there is infection way up inside of your head as that may be a symptom that warrants the scan be done now. It's really up to him.

Keep in mind.... Even under ideal conditions with the antibiotics doing there job... This is going to take a long time to heal. However, you should start to feel better, not worse and you should not develop any further symptoms if it is healing.

Hi bryanna,
thank you for such great advice. Yes, i am taking a probiotic called probulin. Supposedly, it is the best out there. I am amazed with all these antibiotics that my stomach isn't all messed up, so they must be helping. I am also drinking a yakult everyday. I read something written by an ent that you should also take a prebiotic. I will look into that. Yes, i am worried about being on levaquin so long, i am on day 16 now and have another 13. He didn't really want to leave me on it that long either but the problem is when i go off, the sinus infection comes back full fledge. Although, i don't feel it is helping much now. I very much feel like there is an infection in my body and it seems to be getting worse, not better. It feels the same as when the teeth were infected. The left side of my neck is swollen and my left ear is ringing. If i didn't know any better i would still think i had an infected tooth. I am wondering if the infection could be trapped in there by the bone graft? I have a call into my ent right now, because on my mri there was a cyst in my left maxillary sinus caused by my tooth infection. I also read that cysts can form after extractions. Could it be that? He said he thought it was just inflammation from the tooth, he put me on this levaquin also the tobramycin wash (for pseudomonas) . I am not putting the tonramycin in my mouth, i am adding it to saline solution that i blow in my nose. It is mixed in with the neil med. The ent had a plan that if i wasn't better in a month that he would do another ct. The last one i had was over the summer and i didn't have my teeth out yet. He said since i had dental work i would need another one. I am going to move that up to now. I really need to know if there is some kind of infection in there. Would a ct scan show if there is some sort of infection with the bone graft? Also, i will not do the implant until everything is healthy. Is it ok to wait? Can i get it done later? At least it isn't visible, but it is a hassle having to eat only on one side. I just really hope i can get to the bottom of this soon, every day is a struggle! Thank you again!

Quote=angels31;1192655]do you think that there could be an infection way up inside above the bone graft? When i went to the oral surgeon on christmas eve he did an x-ray on the teeth and said everything is fine. The site is fine where the stitches are, but i feel like there is an infection way up in my head. I am not sure if a ct scan would show that? What would i get a cut scan of? Sinus and neck? Or could it be that this is taking a really long time to heal, it has been two months since the last bone graft.

Originally Posted by bryanna View Post

i glanced back at your original posts about this dental problem and the longevity of the ongoing sinus and tooth problem stems back at least 6 years. Meaning you've had infection in the upper left area of your mouth and sinus for at least that long. When you had the infected root canaled tooth removed in october 2015, the sinus remained infected. So just taking into consideration the longevity and intensity of the infection it is easy to understand why this infection is so intense and complicated. I am glad that you did not decide to treat the sinus infection yourself with herbs or tinctures after the tooth was removed as that would have been a huge mistake.

In cases like yours, there are no easy or direct solutions in the approach to treat this infection. Eradicating the infection completely is going to be difficult and lengthy. It may or may not have been ideal to place the bone graft, we talked about that in the earlier original posts. Some surgeons think the graft helps with the healing in these cases, while others think just the opposite. Some think removing the graft early on is advantageous, others leave it in awhile to see what happens. So the decision is based on the preference of your oral surgeon. Please remind me... Has he done a 3 d dental and head scan?

Also, i know you had planned on putting a dental implant in that #14 spot. I urge you to reconsider that option very carefully as most likely this area of your mouth and sinus is going to be less than optimally healthy for a very long time.

Antibiotics can be life saving medications when used appropriately. However, they are not without risk or systemic complications and some like levaquin can result in a debilitating condition called peripheral neuropathy. I am going to post a link from neurologist dr perlmutter for informational purposes only. My point in bringing this information to the forefront is that it is important to understand the risks of the medications being prescribed so that we can make the best choices for ourselves as the doctors often leave out a lot of this pertinent information when writing out the prescription.

The fact that the culture showed sensitivity to levaquin indicates that at least some of the infectious bacteria will be destroyed by the medication. But this is not a medication that should be prescribed repeatedly by any means. After this prescription another culture of the bacteria should be taken.

Also, each time you take antibiotics, irrelevant of which one, the medication destroys the healthy intestinal bacteria that is essential to sustain a healthy life. You cannot replenish this bacteria by eating foods alone unless you are eating home made kefir derived from non sugar sources on a daily basis. Dr perlmutter has worked with a food and supplement company called garden of life and together they have formulated some very good quality probiotics. You can look at those probiotics several places online, but here are two good sources.... and Probiotics are essential to take during antibiotic therapy and then indefinitely thereafter to not just replenish the healthy bacteria but to keep it thriving in your gut. They should be taken one hour away from the antibiotic to avoid contradiction between the two. Generally taking 2 capsules (one at 2 different times of the day), more if necessary, during the course of taking antibiotics is recommended. Then stay on that regimen for at least 2 weeks after the meds are done. Reduce the dosage to one capsule per day unless you have digestive symptoms indicating to take more. Each person is unique in what they need.

Also, the fact that you are rinsing with an antibiotic mouth rinse means that you are killing off not just the negative bacteria in your mouth, but the positive as well. This will pre dispose you to thrush or other oral infections not just while using it but afterwards as well. Opening up a capsule of the probiotic and putting it in some water just enough to rinse thoroughly with will be helpful at replenishing the good bacteria in the mouth. After using that, do not rinse out and it should be done an hour away from using the antibiotic oral rinse. Ideal if you could do that at night just before bed.

regarding when to take the 3d scan.... It's a judgement call by the oral surgeon. He should be aware of the fact that you feel like there is infection way up inside of your head as that may be a symptom that warrants the scan be done now. It's really up to him.

Keep in mind.... Even under ideal conditions with the antibiotics doing there job... This is going to take a long time to heal. However, you should start to feel better, not worse and you should not develop any further symptoms if it is healing.

Hi bryanna,
thank you for such great advice. Yes, i am taking a probiotic called probulin. Supposedly, it is the best out there. I am amazed with all these antibiotics that my stomach isn't all messed up, so they must be helping. I am also drinking a yakult everyday. I read something written by an ent that you should also take a prebiotic. I will look into that. Yes, i am worried about being on levaquin so long, i am on day 16 now and have another 13. He didn't really want to leave me on it that long either but the problem is when i go off, the sinus infection comes back full fledge. Although, i don't feel it is helping much now. I very much feel like there is an infection in my body and it seems to be getting worse, not better. It feels the same as when the teeth were infected. The left side of my neck is swollen and my left ear is ringing. If i didn't know any better i would still think i had an infected tooth. I am wondering if the infection could be trapped in there by the bone graft? I have a call into my ent right now, because on my mri there was a cyst in my left maxillary sinus caused by my tooth infection. I also read that cysts can form after extractions. Could it be that? He said he thought it was just inflammation from the tooth, he put me on this levaquin also the tobramycin wash (for pseudomonas) . I am not putting the tonramycin in my mouth, i am adding it to saline solution that i blow in my nose. It is mixed in with the neil med. The ent had a plan that if i wasn't better in a month that he would do another ct. The last one i had was over the summer and i didn't have my teeth out yet. He said since i had dental work i would need another one. I am going to move that up to now. I really need to know if there is some kind of infection in there. Would a ct scan show if there is some sort of infection with the bone graft? Also, i will not do the implant until everything is healthy. Is it ok to wait? Can i get it done later? At least it isn't visible, but it is a hassle having to eat only on one side. I just really hope i can get to the bottom of this soon, every day is a struggle! Thank you again!

Quote=angels31;1192655]do you think that there could be an infection way up inside above the bone graft? When i went to the oral surgeon on christmas eve he did an x-ray on the teeth and said everything is fine. The site is fine where the stitches are, but i feel like there is an infection way up in my head. I am not sure if a ct scan would show that? What would i get a cut scan of? Sinus and neck? Or could it be that this is taking a really long time to heal, it has been two months since the last bone graft.
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