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Old 01-27-2016, 03:52 PM
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Bryanna Bryanna is offline
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Hi sandybeach,

I'm sorry you are going through all of this. I am going to re post one of your PARAGRAPHS. Could you please clarify what it means?

<<I finally looked at my teeth and discovered a dead tooth, lower R side. 2nd or 3rd one from the middle.>> HOW DID YOU DISCOVER IT WAS DEAD?

<<Went to my trusted (traditional) dentist. Details are fuzzy but i guess it was removed and crowned.>> WAS THE TOOTH REMOVED OR CROWNED?

<< And a root canal, can't remember, maybe, but the endo said i needed a root canal on the next tooth over further to the back. That was also crowned or already had a crown. Now we're up to June and Sep 2007. >>

Regarding the tinnitus and problems with your ear.... no one can say for certain if it is tooth related although ear problems are a common complaint with people who have root canaled teeth and/or other tooth problems.

Regarding a root canal procedure.... This procedure is not done to cure an unhealthy tooth. It is done to retain an unhealthy tooth for an uncertain amount of time. The dentin tubules, which are hundreds of microscopic canals in the tooth, will always harbor necrotic infected nerve tissue as there is no access to them. The procedure also renders the tooth non vital which biologically can create an ischemic (lack of blood supply) reaction/condition to occur in the surrounding area to the tooth contributing to osteonecrosis (dead bone). The lack of blood supply in addition to the chronic infection can eventually involve the jaw bone, the ligaments, the nerves and beyond. It is not uncommon for people who have root canaled teeth to complain of various nerve type pain that is not always located in the immediate area of the infected tooth. This is because the bundles of nerves that correlate with each tooth also correlate with many other areas of the mouth, head, neck, ears..... and so on.

You mentioned toxic chemicals..... During the root canal procedure a toxic disinfectant is used to destroy the nerve tissue in the large visible canals and attempt to mummify the tooth. The purpose of using these chemicals is because they cannot be rinsed out of the tooth. This portion of the rc procedure is the same principal that is used when embalming a body. The difference between the two is that only dead people are embalmed whereas the tooth is still in someones head. So the toxicity from these chemicals remains for an indefinite amount of time. If the tooth is perforated during the root canal procedure and the disinfectant is pushed or injected through the perforation, it will cause a rapid deterioration of whatever it comes in contact with.

Many different systemic problems can occur when there is a chronic and toxic infection in the body. The health of our teeth and mouth have an affect on our entire body because the bacteria that survives in our teeth and mouths continuously filters throughout our blood stream and organs. When our body becomes unwell from this type of infection we can develop all sorts of allergies, aches and pains, fevers, skin eruptions, swellings.... etc.

So I don't know what ever happened to the original tooth that you spoke about.... but if it were root canaled and/or it is infected, then it along with any other teeth that you have that are root canaled or infected, may be contributing factors to your health problems.

A comprehensive dental oral examination and full mouth series of xrays would be the first place to start. Conventional dentistry condones root canal therapy in spite of the toxicity and systemic health risks. So unless you have a blatant abscess, these dentists are not likely to diagnose a problem with your root canaled teeth.

Are you open to seeing a biological dentist? These are dentists who have extensive knowledge in the connection between oral and system health. If so then you can visit and look for a dentist in your area.


Originally Posted by sandybeach View Post
hi all, SO glad i found this site. I have been walking around in mystery and having nowhere to turn.

In November 2006 (Thanksgiving, I recall it well) i got tinnitus in my R ear out of the blue. At first i thought, virus ... allergy. I waited for it to go away.

I finally looked at my teeth and discovered a dead tooth, lower R side. 2nd or 3rd one from the middle. Went to my trusted (traditional) dentist. Details are fuzzy but i guess it was removed and crowned. And a root canal, can't remember, maybe, but the endo said i needed a root canal on the next tooth over further to the back. That was also crowned or already had a crown. Now we're up to June and Sep 2007.

I did not recover, pain-wise, from second tooth treatment well. I think i had more pain but mild, so the endo took another look and said she would redo it. (I guess she must have seen something in order to make that offer.) Root canal redone Nov. 2007.

After the redo my pain which was unbearable. First she gave me vicodin, then percocet, then oxycontin. Finally i stopped taking meds as i was spaced out too much. Thankfully this pain went away. Stopped pills mid-Dec 2007.

However, (in an unrelated action) I went in for an ear test for my tinnitus in mid-Jan 2008 and the test gave me R ear pain - the sound was too loud. 10 days later, someone laughed very close to my ear and gave me hyperacusis, and my hearing tolerance threshold plunged dramatically.

Since then I have had hyperacusis. I've recovered some, but still, many things sound too loud and if I overdo it I get ear pain too. Unexpected sounds like a leaf blower will also cause ear pain. I'm unable to attend most social events, go to restaurants, parties, etc. I've had to give up my career. My life has change dramatically and as you can imagine, not in a way I would've wished for.

I never understood what happened to me or why. A laugh in my ear?

Some years later, going through my pill chest, I saw the half empty unused pill bottles dated in December, 2007.

It's just such a strange coincidence that I had this horrible pain from a root canal redo and two months later, I have hyperacusis.

Since that time, I've had occasional fleeting pain in my lower R jaw. I asked my dentist about it once and he ground down my tooth a little bit. That seemed to help. However, it was his daughter who was the Endos so I don't feel he's the best person to dig deep about what happened.

I have this nagging feeling - for obvious reasons - that something went very wrong with my root canal. Either a toxic substance was placed in the root canal, or there is still bacteria in there, which is now pressing on a nerve. I am allergic to nickel and who knows what other metals and substances?

In any case, I have been afraid to pursue finding out because I am afraid that if it is atypical facial pain or trigeminal neuralgia, I am only going to make things worse by trying to fix or remove this.

If I thought I could get a diagnosis or a way to fix this without doing greater harm, I would certainly pursue that. But then again, I would have to know who what I see in the first place? An oral surgeon? Another dentist? a neurologist? etc? Or is it not even worth the risk, even though my life is pretty much over. I still don't want TN or more pain as an outcome.

Many thanks for listening. I am open to suggestions.

***I have been in the dental profession for 4 decades. I am an educator and Certified Dental Assistant extensively experienced in chair side assisting and dental radiography. The information that I provide here is my opinion based on my education and professional experience. It is not meant to be taken as medical advice.***
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