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Old 03-10-2016, 09:51 AM
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Default MRI Done - big Context Post

Hey Everyone

I have an update for you.

I finally had the MRI on 1st March.

Firstly at the consult in February, I had a horrible Neuro with a terrible bed-side manner. He literally yelled at me and my husband for being 5 minutes late and initially refused to see us! The nurse supported us and said we had been here the whole time outside of that though, he claimed to call our name 3 times over 20 minutes (lie!).

Finally he saw us - my husband and he argued, I cried. Finally he took my symptoms. Oddly (or predictably), he was very thorough and methodical. The brilliance of brevity! haha.

He said my initial check-up and fundamental faculties looked normal. He asked what I was worried about. I said MS. I explained all my symptoms and he said "Ok, 90% not MS 10% MS, we will do an MRI just to check it out but I'm sure it's not MS". He even said it might be a deficiency. And this made me feel sane. My GP scoffed at that idea, but my neuro brought it up himself! I feel I need a good magnesium. I feel I also need to keep up with my vit d, fish oil, selenium and cq10. Makes a huge difference - has done so far anyway.

So I had the scan on the 1st March, a few weeks after this crazy consultation. And I'm now waiting for results. The Dr is on holidays (he really seemed to need it lol), so when I find out results I'll touch base.

For now, my symptoms seem to be better. I even went back to the gym. First day I did 30min light cardio. A two day break later I did 1 hour 15min light cardio. Exercise seems to help me a lot. So I will keep it up, but interval training - one day on, one day off, and weekends off.

I thought I'd record something novel and new though, a different observation and theory I have.

I tried to assess what I had done differently before, during and after all these symptoms cropped up. The biggest factors were:
  • Stress levels (doing too much and worrying a lot)
  • Diet (I used to be gluten free - by choice, not necessity, and mostly lactose free)

Now, when the issues rared their ugly head, it seemingly started with a slight side-to-side hand tremor, but i suspect it all started far earlier than that. I believe it started with a feeling of malaise, anxiety, depression and fatigue and possibly even muscle twitches that I palmed off as random.

I think I just got used to that 'crappy' feeling and took it as being normal for a stressful period in my life. But then the sideways twitching fingers came, and the internal tremor sensations, and muscle twitches all over. I also had vertigo badly - like i was on a ship, and sharp shooting pains, brain fog, issues with memory (for a short period of time).

Now, after getting diagnosed as vit d deficient 6ng/ml (super LOW!!), i was on therapy for it for one month and i noticed a HUGE lift in mood, memory seemed to be normal again, vertigo gone completely. The muscle twitches remained as did the side to side right hand finger shaking (mostly pinky and ring finger, sometimes pointer too). But the main thing was I could concentrate on things as I had before and be rational with my emotions and fear. I was no longer out of control with worry.

I initially suspected Parkinsons, then I found out a side-to-side tremor isnt traditionally parkinsonian, and I also learned that my other symptoms like body wide twitching, non specific body wide internal tremor was not parkinsonian either.

Then I thought MS - as in a hot bath, or in a heated environment, my sideways twitch would rattle off more intensely. Then I learned that the old 'hot bath' test is not at all reliable and heat can fire off inflammed muscles.

I know I have some RSI in my right wrist and hand for sure - every doctor has said it. THe point is why?

A woman I spoke to had the exact same symptomatologie as me and her two MRIS were totally clear. She had a MRI on her hand though and it did show over-firing muscles between fingers (same as me). The Dr said they arent sure why or where its coming from - the woman i spoke to said the Dr isnt very good though, and couldnt even name certain muscles in the hand. So - she will get a better explanation from another dr.

I wanted to tell you all something though. Last year with environmental stress (home life, work, big life changes: marriage, new company, overseas living), I started to eat poorly. I went off gluten - free, I went off soy and returned to full wheat products and lactose. This is literally a synchronised timeline with my symptoms. And, the more I ate of this stuff, the worse everything got. Co-incidence or cause?

I did a test recently. I instinctively felt I had to go back to gluten free, as my stomach would hurt and feel bloated after most meals. Its amazing what you put up with when you are stressed isnt it...

Well I had my last week of wheat foods and what a week it was. My twitching was at an all time high. I was having bad migraines. I even got itchy skin and a slight rash on my upper chest. I also got a blocked nose (no cold though) and sore throat. The sharp shooting pains, were back too. It was chaos in my body. I KNEW something was linked.

In the last week, I have gone gluten free again and let me tell you this. No migraines - about 75% less twitching - I'm not as fatigued or tired, as you can tell by my gym return! - no skin itching - no sharp pains in belly - no sharp shooting pains.

The next thing I want to exclude is lactose. This is all gut feeling science here guys, or holistic care. I just 'FEEL' my body is super inflammed. There is no other way to explain it but I feel my muscles and overall body had been in a constant state of inflammation.

I feel calmer, lighter, more able.

Don't get me wrong, I still have a 'tight' right shoulder/arm/hand. I feel I need to see an osteo - wondering if my hip height (one higher than other) is causing a bunch of issues. WHen I flex my right hand back (stop sign motion)i get sharp shooting pain down the top of my hand and the back of it too- and burning through my muscles. It feels like everything is twisted or nerve pinched.

But the muscle spasms are so so so much better - soooo much less its crazy. No migraines either. I had broken out in a bunch of pimples in the first 3 days of no gluten, almost like a detox i guess, not sure. but they are closing up and going away now. also i had bad breath and a coated tongue for a few days, thats now going too. I'm going to start taking Acidophillus again.

Today i woke up and the heater had been on in our home. We normally turn it off. Usually, I would have severe body tremors (internal sensation). Today I had very light flutter, internal tremors. that stopped as soon as i woke and walked around a bit. Interesting.

So sorry for the huge post but I had to update! If i can help anyone in a way it is worth it!

I will let you know my MRI results and Ill also keep you posted about my lifestyle changes and any observations i make.

Next stop: osteo and chiro.

Hope u are all feeling a bit better over time.

Very best

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