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Old 03-16-2016, 09:31 AM
LillyBelle77 LillyBelle77 is offline
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LillyBelle77 LillyBelle77 is offline
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Thank you for replying, Mark.

How do you know you suffered a subdural hematoma ?
My eye was bloody after the fall. An exam was given, and she said that I had a subdural hematoma. It wasn't until just recently that I realized that these could also be in the brain - but this one was in my eye.

What is pressure dizziness ?
I've had three types of dizziness over the year - there was an ambient dizziness - an all day dizziness - which has gone away. A swimmy/woozy dizziness - which has been called vertigo - that I 'think' comes from the eyes. And, the pressure dizziness. The pressure dizziness usually starts at the base of my skull on the right side, and then 'takes over' my brain. The right side of my head becomes very pressurized. During these spells, I get very confused, can't walk, and can't function. Sometimes, I can stand through the spell, sometimes I fall. Sometimes, I remember the entire spell, sometimes I don't. There have been times during these spells when people have come up to me, but I don't remember them being there. But perhaps this is the vertigo? No one's really explained much to me.

Has anybody tried the Epley Maneuver ? Multiple times. The Epley Maneuver, the BBQ roll, and another move. I get nystigmus when looking to the right and double vision to the left, which turns out to be the Oculomotor Dysfunction, but it made them think the crystals were loose. They did the Epley maneuver 3 times a week for the first four months.

Have you been assessed by a behavioral optometrist ? I was assessed by a neuro-optometrist.
Or was it a vestibular assessment ? I went through four months of vestibular therapy which was quite helpful. It got the muscles in my neck to relax - the eye pain and brain fog left, coordination improved, and colors got brighter. She taught me to massage the muscles, and gave me a host of exercises to do at home. I haven't had vestibular therapy after the second fall, but it will probably be recommended.

That PT sounds scary. I wonder if he made your condition worse.
I've wondered the same thing. There were several things he did that have made me question his skills.

Was this a work injury ? You say the doctor is limited by comp. Do you mean Worker's Comp ?
Yes, both falls happened at work. Winter hazards

"she put me back on full duty and said that five months was more than enough time to recover from a brain injury. " The neuro sounds like a Work Comp hack. There is no way to put a timeline on a brain injury, even if it was only a concussion.
That's one reason why I was glad to find the forum. I'm almost 40, and was very independent before this. Having to rely on my family for things has been hard. But, after reading the forum, I realize that I'm not abnormal.

The imaging may have been clear but that does not rule out every concern. WC tries to use imaging to say there is nothing wrong so they can close the claim. The resolution of an MRI is only 1 to 2 mms. Subtle neck injuries are very common and do not image by normal means. Some get help from upper cervical chiros. The chiro you saw likely just resolved the more acute issue but not the chronic subtle issues.
This is interesting. Before a pressure dizzy spell comes on, I usually get an ache in my neck, either off to the right or all the way across. What can I do to see if there is a subtle injury that keeps causing this?

What state are you in ? Does your state allow you to choose your own care, especially after so many of their doctors not finding a solution ?
I'm not allowed to find my own care. I paid for the chiro out of pocket because I was in pain, and my private insurance won't cover anything because according to them it's worker's comp - and I'm not rich, so...

And, thank you for the reply.
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