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Old 03-20-2016, 01:44 PM
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MelodyL MelodyL is offline
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Alan is so not cooperating I can't begin to tell you. He doesn't care. He wants his ice cream, his snacks (I'm not enabling so that's not going to happen). He does eat my sprouts and loves them but he also eats sugar free cookies (that friends gave him, that I hid but that he found). He doesn't eat the whole box but when I explain what I'm trying to do here, he goes "But it's Sugar Free!!!" and I respond "They are processed, what don't you understand, I'm trying to clean out your system". He doesn't care about any system.

So I'm not going to continue to kill myself just to take care of him. There is no one to take care of me. If he wants to go out and get himself a Dunkin Donuts/Baskin Robbins ice cream, I can't stop him. I think once it gets warm outside that's exactly what he's going to do.

He doesn't GET it. I DO!! Been getting it for 10 years. I know what to put in my body and what not to put in my body. But then again, I don't have the card 14 gene, I don't have severe neuropathy the way he does. He has chronic pain every day of his life. I can't imagine living like that but he does.

And his psoriasis today is exactly the same as when I took him off all sugar, processed foods, wheat, etc. etc. Even adding the soothing healing cream that someone was nice enough to give me.

Nothing is going to work in this man. I think that there was a trigger. I also think that when he had the laser treatment and it was ALL gone, and the doctor said "don't get hopeful, it WILL return with a vengeance", well the dermatologist was right on the money.

I think these treatments may do the exfoliation of the skin cells which might last for 2 or 3 months but that because of the Card 14 mutation, they reappear and are worse. Alan NEVER had it like this 10 years ago.

So I don't know what to do. I have to start taking care of myself because believe me, he is not capable of doing so.

Oh well




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