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Old 07-06-2007, 10:46 AM
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Hi Older Sister - Welcome. I can relate with alcoholism. My dad died at the age of 48 from it. That was back in 1982. I did everything in my power to help him, but it was like banging my head up against the wall. It is a disease, yet they have to WANT to STOP and get help, that is first and foremost.

Intervention is great, but I also was involved in many of those with my Dad and Stepdad (whom died in 2004 from it). It seems they will go along with the Detox/Inpatient programs and then beg forgiveness and lie and say they will never drink again, even join AA. This can happen many many times. But, yet again it has to be their decision and they have to stick to it. Sometimes they do, and sometimes they don't, it depends on the person. Actually, they do sometimes stay with the program for awhile, but there are SLIPS where they drink and they are right back in the beginning. They also start to SNEAK drinking, but as we all know, we can tell and do know when they do.

Al-Anon is supposed to be a great support group for people living with alcoholics, I never went, ended up in therapy instead.

Removing yourself from the situation is sometimes the only way to keep your sanity. If possible.

It is in the genes, and a disease, so really watch yourself as far as drinking.

Please ask me any questions you want, I will help in any way I can. I can only imagine the hell you are going through.

I now have my 72 yr old mom living with me, after a stroke, seizures, heart attack, yet she continues to drink. I now can set ground rules and she isn't able to get alcohol, which is a savior. Although she can make my life one living hell when she decides she as she says needs a drink to sleep, they have every excuse in the world.

Lots of Hugs, Nikko
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