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Old 04-18-2016, 12:47 PM
hawaii13 hawaii13 is offline
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hawaii13 hawaii13 is offline
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Default Thank you!

Originally Posted by Joannetb View Post
Hello! (gluten tag!)

How are you this Sunday? (Wie gehts dis Sontag?)

I speak very little German and understand even less. ( Ich spreche sehr wenig deutsch. und zu verstehen, noch weniger).

I hope you can make the Google translate for you. ( ich hoffe, dass Sie die Übersetzungsarbeit zu machen.). If not, and if she is feeling alone, she can message me and I can try to translate back and forth. (Sie kann mich in der deutschen E-Mail und ich kann versuchen zu übersetzen.) this condition can make you feel lonely, because it is very difficult to explain. (Dieser Zustand kann sehr einsam sein, weil es schwierig ist, anderen zu erklären.)

I have had post concussion syndrome or minor traumatic brain injury for almost 1 year now. I am from Canada. The doctors in Canada are varied in their knowledge. There are a few that really know what is going on and what the most updated and correct treatments are.

What I've learned from this so far from the professionals that seem to be able to help me is the following:
Do not push through a headache. (Nicht durch Kopfschmerzen drücken.)
Rest the mind with meditation, relaxation, etc. (Ruhe den Geist)
Once the symptoms reduce or disappear, only Then can you start to gradually add activities or computer work back into your life. As an example, it you can work on the computer for 10 minutes without getting dizzy or a headache, then reduce that to 5 minutes. Continue to do this for only 5 minutes at a time so that no symptoms appear. If she can do this many days in a row, then she could try increasing the time on the computer by a few minutes, and then remaining at that time period. What is important ( my neuropsychologist tells me) is that we consistently stay Below the time, and that will allow the gradual increase. The symptom Reduction phase comes First though, before she can add things back.
For me, stress or becoming sad to the point of tears, is very bad, and makes all of my symptoms come up very strong.
This next one I have not seen anyone else write, so not sure of it's accuracy, but I am told not to do any kind of exercise or activity that puts my head below my heart, as too much blood flowing to the head at one time is not good.

Sometimes certain things in life have to be put on hold. In order for her to recover, it is important that she understand that. Only until she can become well enough that she has learned to reduce her symptoms. Fight through symptoms to get things done is the wrong thing to do, and can make us worse for days at a time.

I speak from experience, in that I returned to wok too early and only lasted one and a half months before having a complete relapse.

Please tell her I wish her a fast recovery and that I am always here if she needs to email or message me. (Bitte sagen Sie ihr, dass ich ihr eine schnelle Genesung wünschen und sie können mich jederzeit durch private Nachricht oder E-Mail erreichen.)

Danke! And take care!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Thanks Joanne ...

for your sympathy and good recommendations. Well, I got to communicate for my daughter, because she very hardly can read and write. I print the posts and read it out to her. How can you get a private mail. I've been told (by the admin) that I need to have 10 posts to send an emaiaddress.OK, I' am looking forward to you respond.

with best regards
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