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Old 04-19-2016, 01:48 AM
Starznight Starznight is offline
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Starznight Starznight is offline
Join Date: Jun 2014
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I hate to say it, with as much as I dislike technology... especially when it comes to the medical field for a lot of things. But the idea of having some kind of computerized doctor truly fascinates me. Of course I suffer from a very slight case of mysophobia that's largely limited to Walmart, hospitals and doctor's offices so that may explain why I have my fingers crossed. I'm just always so afraid that I'm going to go see my doctor for a regular check up and end up with meningitis or something. Or go to the hospital and catch some flesh eating virus when they draw blood... And well... Walmart is just Walmart, it seems to be the place people go with the sole intent to be completely nasty so there's no telling what you could walk out of there with.

But the thought of having a strictly computerized doctor, is just rather awe inspiring and we're getting ever closer to it. There's some speculation that we will have solved for the cooling problem on a super computer that can analyze the entirety of a strand of DNA in seconds. The implication of that for medical is huge! Imagine being able to get customized health care from a single drop of blood. All your medicine, diet and necessary exercise routine from just one drop of blood or a simple swab of saliva. We're still at least a decade out before we can even make such computers that can compute with enough speed, but we're getting ever closer. And if in twenty years I never have to go to the doctor again, I'll be one happy person.

But I'm really praying for the day when we no longer have to gather all our sick (and more often then not contagious) people into one tiny room and keep them trapped there, coughing, sneezing and spitting away, awaiting the call of their names as they continue to spread their pestilence and disease among the masses.

Yeah I'm that crazy woman at the doctor's office who's sitting on the very edge of the waiting room chair, not touching any of the magazines, nor making eye contact with anyone else in the waiting room and who all but runs once her name is called. I also tend to wear a mask at the doctor's office if there's anyone else in the waiting room. I have managed to keep myself from wearing gloves however, but mostly because I just don't touch anything. I make my mom or husband fill out my paperwork, and also make them open the doors for me that the nurses don't open.

Yet another reason why I love my doctor's offices. They picked up on how uncomfortable I am around sick people right away and since have tried their very best to schedule me when there is no one else on the schedule. And the nurse always gets the doors for us now. They also hand the clip boards with any needed paperwork right over to whoever is with me at the appt. And they all know I don't like to be touched... at all... for any reason... though I will tolerate it but keep it as concise as you can to determine what you need to know then back off...

And yet another reason why I wasn't that fond of the young pup they set me up with... he was very touchy feely... well okay maybe not a whole lot more than most doctors with patients that don't mind it... but for me... he needed to stop touching so much, especially in the same place, over and over again. And oddly enough it's not a fear of germs for that one, it does cause physical pain if I'm touched too much by someone I'm not familiar with or perhaps someone who isn't familiar with me might be the way to state that...

There's certain ways that are okay, and ways that just aren't... almost like stroking a cat's fur in the wrong direction... some places you can do it and they purr... some places you do it and you come back with a bloodied arm. Once you get to know me, you know which nerve groups to avoid and you can touch me all day long... if you don't know which ones... I am in for a world of pain and only because I've developed patience and understanding over the years, you won't be in a world of pain right along side me.

But I imagine that's there's something in my medical record to that affect as other than the young pup, every other doctor in the group has taken a pretty hands-off approach with me. Even the neuro when I switched over to her was apologetic that she had to physically exam me, and was very direct in exactly where she would touch and how before so much as laying a finger on me. We got through it, a few things were not that great but necessary, but I had time to prepare myself and was given time afterwards to let the nerves settle back down. The young pup on the other hand was more grabby without preamble.
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