Thread: Kids Today....
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Old 05-16-2016, 11:40 AM
Starznight Starznight is offline
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Starznight Starznight is offline
Join Date: Jun 2014
Location: Georgia
Posts: 970
8 yr Member

Okay so this doesn't just seem like I am complaining about my DSD and passing it off on all the youth of the world today....

Yesterday, we went to the store to do our weekly food shopping. And though I despise going to Walmart, the DH needed to get some things from there and dragged me kicking and screaming inside. I'm sure I have caught every flu bug going through Camden county thanks to the trip but, I'll digress. We get up to check out and there's a young lady in front of us, with a full shopping cart (we're talking over flowingly full) The cashier rings everything up, the total comes to $200 and some change. Naturally we hear "Ohh I don't have enough...what if I put this back???" And so the what if game continues, until she's down to about 2 bags worth of things and finally says "well I only have $50 how much more do I have to put back?"

Who in the heck can't tell, that an overflowing shopping cart is not equal to $50. And before some of you start to defend with wellllll... we've all forgotten money at the house, or forgotten our checkbooks.... She never even checked her wallet. We got in line right after she pulled into line. Never once checked her wallet. And the one item that she decided she "had to have" with her $50 was a pair of shoes, which she then argued over the price. Because they were "49.95" what do you mean you want "53.44" for them.... sales tax dippy. So the girl who only had $50 pulls out another $5.00 bill and complains all the way about being robbed. And low prices her #$@.

Seriously?! I don't mind someone needing to put one or even two things back, I don't think they're in idiot of it, sometimes keeping track of the prices on everything in the cart and sales tax on top of it all can get squirrelly. But you don't put an item in your cart that costs 5 cents less than your max and proceed to fill the cart with everything else in the store. For once I tried to delay how long we were in there, because I honestly didn't want to see if that girl was operating a motorized vehicle or not.

And that's not the end of the currency challenged day. Next stop was Publix... we've never had any kind of problem with the employees there, they're always smart, happy and chatty people. It's great, the store is clean, and it's even rare to see a kid acting up or hear one screaming inside Publix. But anyways, we finished up our shopping... we get in line.... and because we were the "horrors of horrors" 4th people in line, they opened another lane. We put our stuff up, and the usual chat of did you find everything, how was your day... begins. We notice it's a new cashier, we know most all of the employees up there as we go in several times a week at all different hours...The cashier tells us our total, the DH hands him the money. It was like $107 and some change... so the DH gave him 4, 20's 2, 10's and 2, 5's ($110.) The cashier counts the money and tells the DH that he's short by $2.00...... ummm... the DH starts to wonder if he gave him the other 5, but then realizes... that can't be right anyways because there's change with the $107.xx. So he politely tells the kid to check that again.

The kid counts the money again, and goes "Oh, never mind you gave me too much." And tries to hand a $10 back to my DH. (The DH always knows how much money he has in his wallet and the denominations, he's a freak, like that who can also tell you within a penny or two what the check out total will be on a shopping cart before even one item has been rung up) So my DH again, politely tells the kid that he really might want to check that again.

Well now the bagger comes over to count the money. $110... that's right, put in the computer, okay... she goes back to bagging. Only now the kid can't make change. It's written on the screen your change is $2.xx. First he hands the DH $3.00 back. That's not right... next he hands him back just $2.00... that's still not right... so he starts to grab a $5.00 bill to hand back to him.... DH points out "look, it says the change is $2.xx. Try using some of the coins."

So the kid puts back the $5.00 and seems to grab some coins at random. Like he's making a grab bag. Now my DH is really starting to lose his patience. He can understand the new job jitters, but honestly he's been nothing but patient with the kid and this kid just ain't getting it. We've known the bagger since she started working there 6 years ago, and we just ask her... "little help here?" She's been watching the whole process just kind of slack jawed and spell bound... that snapped her out of it, and she came over and counted out the correct change and told him to turn off his light. Because the change that he had just kind of randomly grabbed out of the drawer added up to more than a dollar.

It was seeming less and less like new job jitters and more and more like a kid who has never seen cash. Maybe that was his sister at Walmart earlier in the day. But one of the other things I like about Publix is, that he probably won't be fired over that, he'll either quit or they'll make him a bagger or find something else he can do. They're pretty nice about it so I don't have to feel as though I lost some kid their source of employment.
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