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Old 05-22-2016, 11:28 AM
Starznight Starznight is offline
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Starznight Starznight is offline
Join Date: Jun 2014
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Thanks everyone, sometimes it's good to know I'm at least not alone when faced with a dilemma. But I do have several first aid kits around the house hehehe. I've been known to cut myself wide open on "safe plastic containers" so there's a first aid kid in the bedroom, one in each bathroom, one in the kitchen, one in each of the vehicles we own (complete with tourniquets, ace wraps and slings) I mean if you're going to get into a car accident without cell phone service or miles upon miles away from the nearest EMS, my car is the one you want to be involved with. There's also always emergency water and food on hand in the cars probably thanks to growing up in NH where you can get stuck in the snow for hours upon hours, sometimes even days depending on where you're driving.

So the need to butterfly my cut wasn't too harrowing an experience, the first aid kit was right there to grab and stick. I think it might be time to ask the DH to shave me though. Even though he was horrified once to learn that I shave my arms as well.... I mean I really really hate the fluffy furries. But he found out because I had to use a bandaid after nicking a mole, those things bleed for a little over a day when you just whack them off. But he asked about the bandaid and I told him I had shaved that day... his reaction... "You shave your arms too?!.... All I could think was, did he sleep through health class? I mean how does he think it happens that I don't have hair on my arms? Even my granddaughter has hair albeit babyfine hair on her arms.

So it could be an interesting lesson for him on the hair growth of women, if I ask him to shave me so I don't need a blood transfusion in the future . He might also come to realize why I let the hair just kind of do its thing in the winter time. I mean that's a lot of square footage to cover with a 2.5" blade. I have long legs and long arms, and not the skinniest of folks out there, there's a lot of skin that needs it's lawn mowed down, even if that lawn is filled with baby fine 'grass', or rather especially because it is, so even with the safety razor it needs to be gone over about 2 or 3 times to catch all the hairs.

Now if only he would let me shave him down a bit... I mean he is furry furry. I call him my teddy bear because he's so fwuffy. He did let me do a single wax strip once, but cried like a baby afterwards and never again considered any kind of body grooming. He had all kinds of excuses too as to why it hurt him more than it's ever hurt me to do it and he freaked out too because there was some blood from it, something he wasn't expecting. (you're ripping hair out down to the follicle, which is imbedded in the skin, of course you're going to bleed a little bit when you get some of those really buried ones.)

Poor guy, I laughed way too much to coddle him at all.
Side Effects: may cause dizziness, drowsiness, bleeding from the brain, heart explosions, alternate realities, brain spasms, and in rare cases temporary symptoms of death may occur.
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