Originally Posted by Vowel Lady
I got atypical facial neuralgia after a peculiar dental procedure approx. 3.5 years ago.
I've always had bad trouble with migraines.
The two seem to play off of each other at times.
Even if the facial neuralgia (sometimes doc calls it atypical TN) is doing a little better on a particular week, if I get a migraine it might act up or vice a versa.
I am often in pain. I guess I'm frustrated. I've had some whoppers lately.
Anyone sometimes see a correlation between the two?
Yes I think that is correct.
I suffer migraines and for two years some left sided nerve pain in my face. My face gets worse after migraines.
I am still waiting for a real diagnosis for that.
I think the best explanation I have found for what you are describing is a process called central sensitisation.
I don't know how to explain it fully but it's like the nervous system goes wonky at some point. Any extra inflammation spills over into other pain conditions.
Makes sense since migraines can cause sufferers to develop allodynia after chronic episodes.