Originally Posted by Bryanna
MRI's just like CT scans are done according to what is written on the script. It has to specifically be written to view the area of concern.
Who has the MRI that was already taken that showed the area? That is the MRI that you need to get a hold of.
Also, did you speak directly to the ENT or someone else at that office? Is this the ENT that saw something suspicious on that other MRI?
Before you go any further, besides feeling better, what do you want to happen? Do you want an ENT and an oral surgeon to collaborate on your case? Are you willing to force that issue if you have to? Are you confident with anyone that you have consulted with so far? If so, who?
Ok, I just called the oral surgeons office and he did a 3D ct scan the day he did the implant. He said he didn't see anything. No the ENT did not find anything on the other MRI. The doctors will not collaborate because they don't think anything is wrong. I think they think I am a hypochondriac or something. I really am not, I just want to feel good again. Meanwhile, I sit and suffer. Not sure what to do. Nobody wants to pursue this any further.