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Old 09-17-2016, 06:12 PM
Wiedzmin Wiedzmin is offline
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Wiedzmin Wiedzmin is offline
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Default Looking for Work/Volunteer Opportunities with volitile PSC

Hello. This is my first post on this forum. Skip to the end if you don't want to hear my introductory story. I am a 22 year old male living in Connecticut, and have had steady PCS for about 2 years. I got the original concussion by running into the side of an open cabinet door in my kitchen. Pretty banal, I know. My core syptom is of course headaches, that grow worse during cognitive or physical strain. This makes it impossible to work hard and pursue anything creative, productive or meaningful.

Despite this, I had tried to return to community college for two semmesters, but each semmester was cut short, due to the most crippling aspect of my condition. This is the fact that the most mild head bumps can lead to a downward spiral of all symptoms, the worst of which can leave me incapacitated for months. Worst of all, my sensitivities to such bumps have been getting worse over time, until now where this happens, on average, once a week, and it only takes a forceful fingertap of the temple to set it off.

My condition has forced me to abandon all of my personal and creative ambitions. However, two years of aimlessness and seclusion in my parent's house, is beginning to wither my soul. So, I've decided I need something regular to fix my attention, and hopefully make me feel slightly less useless.

I would prefer this to be a job, as I have long ago run out of money, and I would like to be able to afford a gaming PC, as well tickets to museums and movies in nearby New York City, and such things that can distract me from the agony of a wasted life. Also, my parents say they will soon retire and and will run out of money to feed me, which is worrying. However, all jobs that I know of, require regular attendance, and for days off to be announced in advance. The unpredictabillity of my condition makes that impractical.

A better alternative would then be volunteering, which usually doesn't require strict commitment. If any of my PCS comrades have any suggestions, I would welcome them. I have also been considering returning to Community College, despite the futility of it.

Oh, and P.S.: If anyone is wondering, I am currently on Gabapentin and I take Fish Oil Supplements. I have taken about 15 prescription drugs for this thing, with no success. I don't have much hope that I will ever return to my full self.
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