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Old 01-12-2017, 04:18 PM
Mark in Idaho Mark in Idaho is offline
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Mark in Idaho Mark in Idaho is offline
Join Date: Feb 2009
Location: Somewhere near here
Posts: 11,421
15 yr Member


Welcome to NeuroTalk. I'll repost your New Members post so people see it.

[Good morning from the UK

I am a 26 year old male usually fit and well until November 15 last year I had a bump to the head I lifted up from bending down and hit the top of my head on a steel plate around 40mm thick I was wearing a hood so that softened the blow

it didn't cut and I wasn't knocked out I was slightly dazed after the knock but felt OK,for around 3 days after I felt really weird not myself so I had a drive to the emergency department at my local hospital to check if everything was OK

it was the doctor was very nice she explained that the knock wasn't anything serious I would be better in a few days. I took the information on board and went back to work the next day (I am a structural steel welder by the way)

I still felt funny when I went back to work o had a pressure feeling just Infront of were I hit my head sometimes it throbbed other times it was just there if I make any contact with my face it feels worse

I have had headaches here and there also along with dizziness. Anyway worked up until Sunday were I had abit of a funny turn I had a panic attack really bad which forced me to the hospital I have a slight history with Aniexty nothing too major though they performed a ct scan it came back clear and the told me I could have PCS.

Since then I have been off work not tremdously poorly but not myself at all my symptoms faded over Christmas so j went back to work last week I managed 3 days before having to come home I've been off again since I am so tired all the time and dizzy I don't feel like myself I keep having panic attacks I have been to the doctors 8 times in the past 3 weeks

I feel really down my partner is getting stressed because of money and me not being at work I am worried that I will get the sack I no there is no magic pill but will this get better and what can I do to manage the constant feelings? Any help would be appreciated

Kind regards ]

Your post is hard to understand. I tried to break it up so I could better understand you.

Did you actually hit your head or just your welding hood ? Or was it a steel workers hard hat ? Do you have a tender spot on your scalp at the skin ?

What were your immediate symptoms at the time of the impact ?

What have you done for your anxiety in the past ?

From the anxiousness evident in your post, I suspect that your symptoms are 80% anxiety and 20% PCS. This is not an uncommon situation. A work environment needs to be quieter and calmer for somebody with PCS. Welding fumes can trigger symptoms as the brain becomes very sensitive.

Does your job include a Workers Compensation program for work injuries ? I don't know how things work in the UK. In the US, Work Comp pays while the injured worker heals.

You likely posted from a smart phone. If you have a laptop so you can see more of what you are typing, you will be better able to organize and present your issues. Many of us have struggles to follow long complex sentences due to persistent cognitive difficulties from PCS. Shorter sentences and paragraphs are much easier for us.

My best to you.
Mark in Idaho

"Be still and know that I am God" Psalm 46:10
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