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Old 03-05-2017, 08:55 PM
1423bt1423 1423bt1423 is offline
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1423bt1423 1423bt1423 is offline
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Originally Posted by foxyproxy View Post
Whats up guys,

I posted back in november about the fact that I was scared of getting another concussion from flying back home. I wanted to post a response to let you guys know what happened since then, but my health took a steep decline after that, even though I know you were trying to help.

So I'll try to keep this post relatively short but I have a feeling I'm not going to succeed. I have received 3 or 4 concussions in the past 8 months, and I haven't been able to work, or function much since August of last year. After I got on that plane, I got off with extreme dizziness, I actually fell over at the airport and got hassled by security. Worse, in the days and weeks that followed I was completely bedridden, I could barely even move. Things were bad. I slowly started to recover, but then did something stupid by trying to walk to the store (which is about a mile and a half away). I used to be able to walk 10-15 miles a day, before all the accidents. Didn't go well, by the end of the first mile I was very dizzy, I had to sit down, I started forgetting where I was, I thought I could get up and walk back to my bedroom and lay down, I didn't even realize I was a mile from the house.

December got worse. I was bedridden for most of the month, I had to stay in a dark room only allowing for a few minutes to look at my phone per day (I spent most of my time listening to audio books and podcasts). By the end of december my neck sounded like it was grinding when I moved it. I finally got x-rays and my primary doctor diagnosed me with cervical osteoarthritis and bone spurs, we thought I might have stenosis which would explain why my fingers in my left arm were always tingling so we scheduled an MRI - I got the results back and it showed both central and foraminal stenosis (mild - however).

So we started thinking, maybe all this dizziness, the neurological problems, all the PCS issues could actually be an underlying, undiagnosed neck injury. I did a lot of research on it and it seemed plausible. The car accident I suffered in October could have given me whiplash, and it's just been overlooked all this time. Well, I've now seen TWO neck injury specialists who have reviewed my imaging results and they conclude - nope - my symptoms don't line up with my imaging, and that my stenosis isn't bad enough to cause the problems I have.

I still can't walk very far, even the slight jostling of walking to the mailbox causes me so many symptoms I'll fall over, or have to immediately lay down on my back for my neck to decompress and my symptoms to start to clear up. I also can't ride in a car, the jostling to my neck causes intense symptoms. When they get severe enough, I'm so out of it I won't know where I am and I can barely even stand upright. As it is, I can't sit or stand upright for more than an hour or so a day (up to 4 on good days). My health has been in a steep decline, my symptoms are worse now than they were a month ago, and much worse now than my car accident in October.

My neck specialists think I just have a delayed PCS, which doesn't make sense. My neurologist has no idea what's wrong with me. No one seems to know. My neck hurts all the time, I get headaches when I lay down, dizziness, cognitive problems, and mental confusion when I sit or stand. My hopes of a treatable neck injury are out the window and I can't get a referral for PT because "it wouldn't be productive" (the words of the cervical specialist). I'm now taking pain killers throughout the day, and my primary wants to refer me to a long term pain specialist. She's out of ideas as well.

What do I do? I feel like I'm out of options. I'm open to any suggestions. I have no idea what to think at this point. Is this some...delayed post concussive syndrome? Like my PCS slowly improved, but then took a steep decline, but with odd symptoms that can also be directly triggered by moving my neck (specifically down or to the left)? Is that possible?
Of course I'm not expert, but the bone spurs and positional component of your headache made me think of a cerebrospinal fluid leak. I can't post the link because I haven't posted enough in the forum, but I strongly suggest that you google "Mystery Migraine Ian Carroll" and watch the video.
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