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Old 07-20-2007, 01:22 AM
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Location: Nottinghamshire/UK; dx 09/97 @ 38
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steffi 001 steffi 001 is offline
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Join Date: Sep 2006
Location: Nottinghamshire/UK; dx 09/97 @ 38
Posts: 353
15 yr Member
Default Yes....

I agree. CS isright.PD sure is bleak.But so is farting in public Believe me...I would sooner be clocked having a dose of the shakes rather than be caught parping away in a crowd.I`d simply DIE

But...joking aside [and before anyone hounds me for making light of this..I AM NOT...I am in my 11th year at least with this foul disease so no-one needs to tell me how it is] addressing firstly,the issue on relationships...
In my humble opinion,whilst paying lip service to the fact that without doubt,this illness,as with any other serious condition,will put a strain on the healthiest of relationships.But what I don` t go along with is that folk leave just because of it.If they want to leave a relationship,they will find any hook they can,even down to something as insignificant as the way you say HI so that alone should not make you afraid of speaking out as to how you feel.The important thing is this;
There is a wealth of difference between stating how you feel and moaning or whining.To admit to feeling low,futile,desparate,sad etc is NOT cause for someone to get arsey or impatient with you.To heap these things in a blaming sort of way on another,be it a friend,relative, IS unproductive,but in any caring relationship,there should be room for understanding,empathy and support.Maureen and Therese are shining examples of this.Yes...Maureen has been honest in how tough it is....but both hers and Thereses love and generosity of thinking has enabled them to get through.They must feel desparately sad at times...not just for there own loss of dreams and hopes but their patience and kindness,their strength to see beyond the bleak times,have upheld them and kept them in the daily grind that is so characteristic of this illness.
Personally,I would be more insulted at my husband sticking around just out of a sense of duty.I have my pride.If I can`t be loved for who I am ,then I don`t want to know and I feel sad for those folk who have been left feeling that having PD has wrecked their marriages.Believe me.You are better on your own.
There are those on this forum I am sure,who reach for the bucket when I seem to post constantly upbeat messages.But I would like to think tha t the more broad thinkers,the more mature,recognise that it isn`t like that for me all the time.I just chooose to post that way,but hope that when I feel like saying "Help!!! I feel like CRAP today" that I would get the love and support which is so evident on this forum.It is so important that we know we can say exactly how we feel and not be seen to be grumbling.

So.....I could tell you the times when I have sat beside my young,physically active,able husband,and cried inwardly as I watch beautiful young women walk by,their heads held high,,their walk...normal....confident that they are not going to fall flat on their cute little arses.
I could tell you how it feels to watch my family slope off to the cinema without me because I know i just won`t be able to sit through a film.
I could tell you the time I woke in the middle of the night,ravenous,and managed to get out the tub of butter,the bread,the fillings,but then not have the strength to get the top of the butter,the tag off the bread packaging,the film off the prewrapped instead had to stare at ingredients that I hadn`t a hope in hell of fixing together.
I could describe the pain I suffer everyday with dystonia,my limbs stretched to snapping poiint,my hands too rigid to type,my foot too twisted to walk.

But at the minute I choose not to dwell on those things.Another day might have me just do that.I hope when that day comes I am free to do this .

And I would like to think that I have learned HOW to verbalise my thoughts in such a way that it is not seen as moaning,and equally I hope I have the generosity of thinking to understand when someone posts sad,or feel the need to say they are sinking.And be there for them.

Yes.PD sucks.Losing a child sucks.Watching what some folk do to our world sucks.And yes...through it all there are moments of joy,and beauty,treasures,moments which will remain unforgettable by their element of surprise.And we will all react to each one differently.See the rainbow somedays,see the dark clouds other times.Feel wonderfully optimistic and hopeful one time..feel down in the mouth another time.
Such is the nature of living this life.

But underpinning the whole of this journey that IS life,is the need to be a people who can care,understand,be big enough to sift the wheat from the chaff,and share one`s experiences with others..both good and bad.

To me there are no wrongs and rights with tackling this disease.Just the ability to respect each others chosen method of coping and surviving.
That is all we need.

And finally....everyone on this forum is a hero in my opinion.Even those who bug me Kidding. x

Have a wonderful day. It`s pouring with rain here and we may be on flood alert....again.:confused so am off to prepare for another potential soaking.
Can`t do much damage this time...there`s not much left in my home to ruin now.
Now let`s see....rescue the important things first...bottle of baileys...teddy
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