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Old 07-13-2018, 08:20 AM
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Location: cajun country, lafayette Louisiana
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bizi bizi is offline
Wisest Elder Ever
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Join Date: Aug 2006
Location: cajun country, lafayette Louisiana
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hi kay,

Let me preface by saying that I have seen fran in the past, both as an individual therapist and a group leader. If you recall I went thru a heroines journey where 6 women met monthly with fran guiding us thru our issues using art, music, movement meditation etc...the sessions lasted 3 hours. We met for 14 months. It was a powerful experience. The group helped me.
That was years ago.
I ran into a friend at one of the assisted living facilities that we had clients. She is the one who told me about the session with Fran last night. It was meant to be our timing. the class had been post pond for some reason and this was going to be the last one for a while so I want to experience the power of sound with her.

This experience was new to me and I was curious about these bowls.
The session last night was called "a sound bath".
About 15 people on yoga mats got as comfortable as we could lieing on the floor. The mat that I was using was paper thin so I got a blanket to lie on as well. There was a bolster to support my head. I laid there with my knees bent because I can't just lay flat due to my diaphragm issues. Have to say I was uncomfortable.

She instructed us to the let the sounds heal us..thru meditation.
She started with the bowls which were beautiful. She had about 10 of them in different sizes.

Then she went to the gongs.

They were amazing!!!
One of the gongs was quite musical and when she used it I was mesmerized.

I had to open my eyes and watch her to see what exactly she was doing. I loved it as she crescendo with a storm of sounds like a storm. Just lovely!
after an hour we were called up to sit and share if we wished. Some people had lost a loved one recently and were brought to tears. After it was over I went up to Fran and hugged her and thanked her for the session and gave her a big hug. She is up and leaving to move to Portugal.

I glanced thru the endless books that she was selling and picked out 3 cd's and 2 books.
Even though I was uncomfortable the quality of the music/sounds distracted me. I could feel the vibrations of the drums and tuning folks as they came around each person. It was very powerful.
What I learned was that I am not taking care of myself.
My body specifically.
I am so out of shape...want to start the home exercises again. My balance is so off/poor, I can barely stand on one foot to put my pants on in the mornings.
Right now I am a high risk for falls.
Up early again, 175.4 so am happy to see the numbers come down.
Hubby just left for his walk. He is looking forward to eating something today. He fasted with out eating any thing for 2 days.(except for a little butter milk to take his vitamins with.)
That was the second day of not drinking for me.
When I diet, I don't usually drink, because it has so many calories...and I can't seem to just drink one drink and I like fattening beers and sweet drinks.
It is a salmon friday at Sandras. So I will go there and see what is on the menu for sides. I will ask for smaller portions.
My hair appointment is for 9:30am so I have plenty of time to do some stretches on the bed like I did last year. I even have the exercise sheets still on the night stand next to the spare bed in the guest room.
My hips are so frozen it will hurt to do them. I need to go slowly to not hurt myself. At this point I don't even think I can cross my legs.
I have 3 clients this after noon.
We are going to a movie tonight, have to work tomorrow but will have time to go for gumbo at noon like usual, then art walk down town.
I hope the weather cooperates. We have been having daily showers in the afternoons, good for our grass.
Have a lovely day my friends!

Hattie the black and white one wrestling with hazel, calico. lost hattie to cancer.....
Happiness is a decision....

150mg of lamictal 2x a day
haldol 5mg 2x a day
1mg of cogentin 2x a day
klonipin , 1mg at night

I will not give up in this weight loss journey, nor this need to be AF. 3-19-13=156, 6-7-13=139, 8-19-13=149, 11-12-13=140, 6-28-14=157, 7-24-14=149, 9-24-14=144, 1-12-15=164, 2-28-15=149, 4-21-15=143, 6-26-15=138.5, 7-22-15=146, 8-24-15=151, 9-15-15=145, 11-1-15=137, 11-29-15=143, 1-4-16=152, 1-26-16=144, 2-24-16=150, 8-15-16=163, 1-4-17=169, 9-20-17=174, 11-17-17=185.6, 3-22-18=167.9, 8-31-18= 176.3, 3-6-19=190.8 5-30-20=176, 1-4-21=202, 10-4-21= 200.8,12-10-21=186, 3-26-22=180.3, 7-30-22=188, 10-15-22=180.9,
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Dmom3005 (07-13-2018), mymorgy (07-13-2018), OhKay (07-14-2018), PurpleFoot721 (07-13-2018)