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Old 08-29-2018, 01:23 PM
tinaanne tinaanne is offline
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tinaanne tinaanne is offline
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Originally Posted by DavidHC View Post
Hi Tina,

Sure, I can try to help.

If THC doesn't work for you, then don't listen to anyone. Your body will tell you, and you can decide for yourself. THC can have great benefits, but it is known to cause the heart to race or just palpitations. It does that to me in high doses. That brings me to another point: if it does that to you, it's quite possible that it wouldn't at lower doses, which can be tempered by a high CBD strain or the addition of some CBD oil. If you want to try it, a 5:10 or even 10:1 might be the place to start.

As for dosage, that's complicated and partly or perhaps largely personal. You will have to experiment. From what you've said I don't know how many mg you take a day, but only the overall strength of your bottle. As a general note, you should increase the dosage as much as possible or to the point that you get maximum relief. You can slowly increase the dose. In studies, the doses are often upward of 1000-2000 mg a day! So you're safe. You really can take as much as you want. I know people who take hundreds of mg each day. Chronic pain requires higher doses. If you get GI upset or other symptoms, you might cut back a little. Your body will tell you. If you need higher doses and it becomes too expensive, try CBD isolate, which you can buy for $15-20 per gram. And if the lotion works for you, go nuts with it.

Yes, studies seem to suggest a steady use of CBD will ensure a well functioning endocannabinoid system, which interacts with and is responsible for many things in the body, including the immune system. CBD is out of the body within hours to day and some say maximum a week. There was a study done where even heavy users had no traces in their body within a week or less.

Regarding drug interactions, both CBD and THC can do that. CBD apparently makes medication that is processed through the liver less effective. You can find some very limited research on this online. I don't know about THC myself, but it's likely there are issues there too. I would say speak with your doctor, but very few will have a competent answer for you, since one would need to know about the endocannabinoid system and how each cannabinoids works with the different receptors in the body.

I hope some of this is helpful!
Thanks so much - ok so you asked how much CBD is in my 1000mg bottle - I called and they told me it has 33mgs of CBD per dropper - I am taking 4 droppers a day at this point. So according to what you have said I can take a LOT more, right. They do carry the 5000 with 83mg of CBD all full spectrum which means it has the legal amount of THC which is .3 in my state. It runs $250 dollars but if it works it is worth it for me - honestly the amount of money I pay for the meds for this illness is crazy - thankfully we have the means. Thankfully my stomach is like a rock and I can take anything - only the dang constipation that comes with these prescription meds - but I can take anything so far -- I do not have a medical marijuana card, and am nervous as I mentioned because of my racing heart. I would love to get OFF the narcotics and use whatever I need, but it honestly is hard to find someone you trust in this business. So for now, I am dealing with the CBD. I have an appointment at Mayo in November and will talk with my neurologist about this - he is really opened minded and has worked with me for over 10 years. Love the guy.

One question I have is the 5:10 etc - does that mean 5 HTC and 10 CBD? I'm 62 and this is all new to me - even though I experienced the 70's in So Cal as a semi hippie (LOL so funny now) but didn't do much with drugs.

Thanks for all your help!! I'm feeling a bit better than I did last week when I first wrote - I love this place - people understand this level of pain and are always willing to help -- hope you are having a good day -
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