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Old 07-21-2007, 12:15 PM
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Having more coffee and yogart once again for breakfast.

Supposed to go over Dirk's brother's and sister in law's for dinner because they moved into a new rental home down the street, around 5pm, they were having steaks, then Dirk told them about my recent dentist ordeal, so they said they would have ravioli. Well, that's really nice and all. I wished he had just asked me, well he did a week or so ago, but I mean again since it was getting so close and I was in severe pain, then the dentist extractions (Thurs) before talking to his brother about tonight. (Sat)

It's just I feel like I have been feeling rotten forever, (it has been about a month I think, not sure) and now that finally the headaches are mostly gone, but my mouth is sore and hurts, geeze I am in no mood to be STUCK someplace. I don't feel as though I would be good socially. I am just damn drained. I wish somebody would just understand that.

They will all be drinking, and having a good time, I can't, I am on antibiotics again - penicillin. I mentioned taking two car's so I can leave when I need to if I need to, then he said I don't have to go it's no big deal, whatever.

See, I am no longer a YES YES person, been there done that, no more!

To top it all OFF. My mom is just driving me up a wall. I came home from the dentist, bloody gauze all in my mouth, had to wait at the pharmacy for the antibiotics. Just wanted to go lay down.

I walked in the house, and it was how she had fallen, and wanted a soda and was getting something to eat, and on and on. She asked what happened to me and I told her, and she said oh, I've had that, and on she went about her.

I went to bed - got up later on, she said couldn't you hear me calling you? I said no, I was sleeping, she said I have been on the floor for hours, it's always for hours. Yet, she wasn't on the floor when I saw her.

Then on Friday I never saw her, I figured I just can't handle it. I woke up with a fever around 4am and all. Well around 1pm she was calling me then tapping on my door asking how are you doing? I said fine, a little late to be asking mom don't you think? She said she was worried, worried my ***. She says you never hug me, I said you never hug me.

Same thing happened later that day when Dirk came over. She gave him the same story. Not sure if she was on the floor when he came over, I was sleeping.

She's nipping for sure. Personally, I give up, she won't admit it, she doesn't care, and I'll be damned if she is going to put me in my grave over this.

Dirk already has her number, he treats her nicely, yet he says it like it is. She doesn't give him any grief. Dirk says and I believe it, she thrives on attention and I can't give it to her now. Only the basics, like meds, laundry, meals. Dirk has been cooking for her at night, since I can't, nor can I eat what he makes, it's a big PLUS.

Doesn't matter, she just wants to stay in bed all day, and stay up all night doing whatever. Yes, she is in pain, due to arthritis, but not doing a damn thing about it, so what can I say.

I am bitchy and tired to say the least. Sorry, needed to vent.

Have a nice weekend y-all. Nikko

Doing laundry, she peed in, once again.

Hugs, Nikko
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