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Old 07-07-2019, 12:40 PM
BlueMoon1950 BlueMoon1950 is offline
Join Date: Jul 2019
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BlueMoon1950 BlueMoon1950 is offline
Join Date: Jul 2019
Posts: 236
5 yr Member
Default Concerned about neighbor - may have relasped

I have been close friends with my neighbor last 2 years. She has been in recovery last 10 years, however, I have come to believe she is drinking again.

At the point where I just had to walk away yesterday.

I have been going to her home daily to help her with her physical limitations. She has muscular diseases which restrict her ability to get around, so I go to help her in her home anyway I can, by taking out her trash, moving things around for her, helping her with her cats, helping put away her groceries, changing bedding, etc, whatever she needs.

Lately, last two months since her symptoms have gotten out of her control and worsened, her mood has gotten much worse. She is very erratic now. Last month it began with her asking me to come to her home to take out her trash. She wanted me there by a certain time, but I told her I had a meeting that day and might run late, not to expect me at the time she designated. I arrived an hour late. I was greeted by a raging response from her, she refused to let me in and slammed the door in my face. I was stunned by this as this was totally out of her character.

She has called me on the phone sounding drunk, slurring her words, not making sense. I questioned her about this and she said she had just taken a Zanax. I offered to come over to make sure she was okay, but she would not let me in. Then there are the other times she would call and appear ultra depressed or worse, in a blind rage and raging at me for no reason.

She has AA meet in her home every other week, has a sponsor (or so she said). One of the AA members fills in the gaps for me. She comes to vacuum, clean her home, do her wash, take her cat to the vets and run errands for her. She even pays for my neighbors dental insurance, chips in monetarily every month too. I don't know if this is such a good thing for another AA member to be this close, especially if it's her sponsor, but I don't know how AA works.

Now, my neighbor goes to work every day, she works full time and drives an hour from home each way. She can get out to get her own groceries too and other errands but asks many others to do soo much for her including me. She does confuse me, appearing soo needy, roping neighbors to meet her needs and yet at the same time can do all this for herself. One minute she appears weak and needy and then the next she refuses all help and pushes me away.

Lately, her muscular disease has progressed and is out of her control. Her psych doc upped her medications and so did her neurologist. She was recently tested for advancing neurological diseases which did not prove anything leaving her despondent.

She made plans to take my cat to the vets and left me stranded, not showing up. She made plans to take me to my court appt Wednesday and canceled yesterday, now I have no way there and no money to pay for fare there and she knows this. She texted me her cancellation and ridiculed me for what I was going thru legally. Recently every time I have to depend upon her, she disappears.

I have come to believe she is now self medicating, by drinking again. Now, I don't have any proof of this, but by her behaviors it makes me wonder.

I just do not know what to do to help her.

Thank you for reading this post, and I hope someone can help me sort thru all this.

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