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Old 09-12-2019, 09:39 AM
pokerface246 pokerface246 is offline
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pokerface246 pokerface246 is offline
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Default neuropathy symptoms and weird referred sensations

Hi all. Here's my deal. I'm a 43 yo male, 1/2 ppd smoker, with a history of abusing alcohol over the last 8-10 years. Daily drinker with 3-5 drinks per evening, more on the weekends. Going on 15 days of abstinence now in an effort 'reset' things. My health history includes Ulcerative Colitis (had my large intestine removed 4 years ago) and treating for some occasional proctitis with mesalamine enemas. Overall, that's been in check. I've also gone through periods of what I believe is stress related anxiety and have had panic attacks recently - 2 over the summer.

About 2 months ago, I started getting a numb, tingling feelings in my toes, and some cramping in my right calf. Only while on my feet. Would sometimes become more pronounced while drinking. I also have an annoying twitching of my eyelids that comes and goes throughout the day. In addition, I started experienced periods of lightheadness (just random, at times, during the day). The symptoms are minimal when I'm in bed or sleeping.

Concerned that I was low on 'something', had the doc do bloodwork a month ago and I didn't come back deficient in anything. Potassium was a 'little' low, and my MCV was high which he attributed to some recent heavier drinking I was doing. I expressed my concern about the limb sensations and twitching and he asked to wait a month and see if things get better with alcohol cessation.

I've been feeling better overall last 2 weeks but the neuro symptoms persist - plus a very weird thing that popped up 3 days ago. I am noticing that when I move my arms, I can hear a 'thumping' sound coming from my right ear. It makes zero sense and I'm really freaked out with what's going on. In addition, I've been waking up some mornings feeling a bit like my body is vibrating internally.. resolves quickly with some waking up.

I'm looking to see if anyone else here has dealt with stuff like this, particularly the referred sensations (as I call them) to my ear drum. The only thing I can relate to with that is when I had my stomach surgery, I remember having the 'referred sensations' during recovery. Told the Dr. and she attributed it to the stress of having the surgery - and gave me some Ativan for a few days which seemed to calm me down till I was out and better.

I don't feel particularly anxious or stressed at the moment, except I've been doing a lot of Dr. Googling with these symptoms - and I know that's not healthy in itself. I'm just looking for some reassurance that all of this might be from the alcohol and stress - and not some debilitating disease. At least until I see the neurologist.

Thank you.
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