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Old 09-16-2019, 04:52 AM
Barbara_TBI2006 Barbara_TBI2006 is offline
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Barbara_TBI2006 Barbara_TBI2006 is offline
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Thanks for the summary and succesrates of different therapies.

I read in your other posts about your TBI history, though man. Did you have any therapy that has helped you/improved your quality of life somewhat?

Here in Holland it's exactly like what you describe as far as doctors responding to the stuff TBI survivors experience. Even if you have had massive injury, they still don't really seem inclined to believe you are actually have serious issues with TBI that they're willing to really look at.

My personal injuries case was closed in 2014 and it's only now that I am reading about the visual problems after TBI and I think, that's me. The case is settled and here in Holland you don't get millions like in the US system. It took a lot of fight and stress to get a number I can live with and it really took its toll on me. The uncertainty and stress of it all. It was brutal. Uncovering that there is some more therapy or there and reading about the vision problems that have remained undiagnosed for so long just makes me so sad.

What has helped me...uhm I haven't gotten any therapy of which I can say physically helped me. Only some information about TBI about 7yrs after the accident helped me to understand it more. You see, I was so badly injured that the initial rehabilitation was solely focused on walking again and gaining mobility and function in all of my limbs. The mental fatigue and everything TBI related was just put off by the doctors as due to all the surgeries and medication and the trauma as such (I was with my sister crossing the street when the car hit us and she died right there on the asphalt. I was taken off of respiration the day of her funeral).

So it wasn't untill years later, in 2013 when I was at my wits end at a neurologist office asking for a head MRI. This kind doc told me that given my history my symptoms were not strange and was surprised I never received rehabilitation therapy for this. So I got that. But is was only pt, psychologist and occupational therapy. But it was there that I learned I have TBI so that was valuable, especially because I could finally place my own feelings and behavior and start to communicate better to people around me. Although I have discovered a opthomologist or something like it here, I am waiting on the referral now.

I have been prescribed bio identical hormones (armour thyroid) and hydrocortisone by an orthomolecular therapist in 2013 and 2014 and that helped a lot, but after taking it up with an endo who really disagreed with that I stopped taking them whilst being monitored by her. She said they are stimulants and anyone would feel better on them. But if taken without indication, it could lead to heart problems and osteoporosis. So yeah. After stopping she said my hormone levels were fine. I can't do half the stuff I could while being on the hormones unfortunately.

I feel like people, in my environment at least, are struggling to deal with me having a permanent disability, especially one they can't see. I feel like I am moving on as best I can, not trying to linger in the past or anything, but the physical impairments just take up so much energy that I just cannot do a whole lot of stuff before my head hurts so badly I can't do anything anymore. I feel at this point that no one really cares and just text or send me a nice card saying, "thinking of you" or "how are you?" and I just don't know what to respond like anymore. I'm not fine and no one cares to lift a finger to help with anything or takes the effort of helping to look at treatment like fi this vision thing.

Sorry for the rant...
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