Sustained a concussion back in January 2019 playing ice hockey. Most symptoms went away but the only one left is low grade headache 3/10 pain scale. Nothing else. Nada.
Visited a neurologist 2 months ago and she said that there was a 99% chance I don’t even have PCS and that all of my headaches are caused by anxiety and not the concussion.
She even thought my headaches were “fishy” for a variety of reasons. Throughout all of the last 8 months, I scored a 1420 on my SAT, maintained a 4.0+ GPA, played fortnite until 1am on weekends screaming at the TV with my friends, went out with friends every Friday and got extremely drunk and went to parties, and consistently made 2 hour drives to go fishing on the weekends and wade a creek all day with my friends, and during most of these activities the headache all but dissapears. I have never once had to limit myself because of my concussion.
Yet, I still have headaches almost daily during school and after. They usually start about 3 hours in.
Also, when I exercise my headaches don’t increase during the actual exercise but rather after the exercise is done. The headaches aren’t bad enough that I can’t function they are about a 5/10 on the pain scale.
What I am asking is do you guys agree with the neurologist and think I’m just anxious?
I have my senior season of ice hockey coming up in a month and as of right now I can’t play. Should I get off of this site and get my mind back focused on the ice???