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Old 11-17-2019, 12:51 PM
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Originally Posted by BenW View Post
So I was on Reddit and I came across a thread which spoke on cte and such and i saw many people in there talking about how new science shows that everything from running to jumping to driving over bumpy roads to falling on ice or when skateboarding to soccer headers to takedowns in mma to operating vibrating machinery, etc, etc can and does contribute to cte and that most adults probably have a certain level of cte. Even people saying they’ve been punched so hard iin the ribs it gave them a concussion or have seen concussions in wrestling and swimming where people do not even hit their heads.

Apparently one guy even found a study on runners getting cte from their feet impacting the ground so much.

What do you make of all this? It has me a litter worried and perplexed cause I’m not really sure what to make of it
If those things are true, then it actually negates CTE as being a cause for concern because of the prevalence of it. If such simple things as running, bumpy roads, etc gave everyone brain damage or dysfunction to an extent that it caused CTE, then we would see vastly more brain disease and disorders in society.

However, we don't really see that. So either the purported statements are factually wrong, or CTE isn't as big of a concern as it is touted to be.
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