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Old 07-25-2007, 10:58 AM
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Location: North Carolina
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BobbyB BobbyB is offline
In Remembrance
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Join Date: Aug 2006
Location: North Carolina
Posts: 4,609
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Thumbs down All Non-Cosponsors from All States

Congressional Legislation - Search Results

All Non-Cosponsors from All States

Bill Name: 'To amend the Public Health Service Act to provide for the establishment of an Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Registry.'
Bill Number: H.R.2295

Cosponsor? Cosponsor Name Cosponsor Date Send Mail
Robert Aderholt (R 4th) ---
Spencer Bachus (R 6th) ---
Don Young (R At-Large) ---
American Samoa
Eni Faleomavaega (D At-Large) ---
Rick Renzi (R 1st) ---
Trent Franks (R 2nd) ---
John Shadegg (R 3rd) ---
Harry Mitchell (D 5th) ---
Jeff Flake (R 6th) ---
Gabrielle Giffords (D 8th) ---
Vic Snyder (D 2nd) ---
Wally Herger (R 2nd) ---
Dan Lungren (R 3rd) ---
Nancy Pelosi (D 8th) ---
Barbara Lee (D 9th) ---
Ellen Tauscher (D 10th) ---
Tom Lantos (D 12th) ---
Michael Honda (D 15th) ---
Zoe Lofgren (D 16th) ---
Dennis Cardoza (D 18th) ---
Jim Costa (D 20th) ---
Kevin McCarthy (R 22nd) ---
Howard McKeon (R 25th) ---
David Dreier (R 26th) ---
Xavier Becerra (D 31st) ---
Maxine Waters (D 35th) ---
Grace Napolitano (D 38th) ---
Ed Royce (R 40th) ---
Jerry Lewis (R 41st) ---
Joe Baca (D 43rd) ---
Dana Rohrabacher (R 46th) ---
John Campbell (R 48th) ---
Darrell Issa (R 49th) ---
Brian Bilbray (R 50th) ---
Duncan Hunter (R 52nd) ---
Mark Udall (D 2nd) ---
John Salazar (D 3rd) ---
Marilyn Musgrave (R 4th) ---
Doug Lamborn (R 5th) ---
Thomas Tancredo (R 6th) ---
Ed Perlmutter (D 7th) ---
John Larson (D 1st) ---
Joseph Courtney (D 2nd) ---
Rosa DeLauro (D 3rd) ---
Jeff Miller (R 1st) ---
F. Allen Boyd (D 2nd) ---
Corrine Brown (D 3rd) ---
Ander Crenshaw (R 4th) ---
John Mica (R 7th) ---
Gus Bilirakis (R 9th) ---
Connie Mack (R 14th) ---
Timothy Mahoney (D 16th) ---
Kendrick Meek (D 17th) ---
Lincoln Diaz-Balart (R 21st) ---
Alcee Hastings (D 23rd) ---
Mario Diaz-Balart (R 25th) ---
Jack Kingston (R 1st) ---
Sanford Bishop (D 2nd) ---
Lynn Westmoreland (R 3rd) ---
Hank Johnson (D 4th) ---
Tom Price (R 6th) ---
John Linder (R 7th) ---
Nathan Deal (R 9th) ---
Paul Broun (R 10th) ---
Phil Gingrey (R 11th) ---
David Scott (D 13th) ---
William Sali (R 1st) ---
Dan Lipinski (D 3rd) ---
Luis Gutierrez (D 4th) ---
Peter Roskam (R 6th) ---
J. Dennis Hastert (R 14th) ---
Timothy Johnson (R 15th) ---
Donald Manzullo (R 16th) ---
Phil Hare (D 17th) ---
Peter Visclosky (D 1st) ---
Steve Buyer (R 4th) ---
Mike Pence (R 6th) ---
Brad Ellsworth (D 8th) ---
Dave Loebsack (D 2nd) ---
Steve King (R 5th) ---
Jerry Moran (R 1st) ---
Todd Tiahrt (R 4th) ---
Geoff Davis (R 4th) ---
William Jefferson (D 2nd) ---
Wayne Gilchrest (R 1st) ---
Steny Hoyer (D 5th) ---
Roscoe Bartlett (R 6th) ---
Elijah Cummings (D 7th) ---
Stephen Lynch (D 9th) ---
Dave Camp (R 4th) ---
Tim Walberg (R 7th) ---
Michael Rogers (R 8th) ---
Joseph Knollenberg (R 9th) ---
Candice Miller (R 10th) ---
Carolyn Kilpatrick (D 13th) ---
John Conyers (D 14th) ---
John Dingell (D 15th) ---
John Kline (R 2nd) ---
Michele Bachmann (R 6th) ---
Todd Akin (R 2nd) ---
Roy Blunt (R 7th) ---
Kenny Hulshof (R 9th) ---
Dennis Rehberg (R At-Large) ---
Adrian Smith (R 3rd) ---
Dean Heller (R 2nd) ---
Jon Porter (R 3rd) ---
New Hampshire
Paul Hodes (D 2nd) ---
New Jersey
Scott Garrett (R 5th) ---
Frank Pallone (D 6th) ---
New Mexico
Tom Udall (D 3rd) ---
New York
Gregory Meeks (D 6th) ---
Yvette Clarke (D 11th) ---
Maurice Hinchey (D 22nd) ---
James Walsh (R 25th) ---
Thomas Reynolds (R 26th) ---
North Carolina
Virginia Foxx (R 5th) ---
Michael Turner (R 3rd) ---
Jim Jordan (R 4th) ---
Paul Gillmor (R 5th) ---
Charlie Wilson (D 6th) ---
David Hobson (R 7th) ---
John Boehner (R 8th) ---
Stephanie Jones (D 11th) ---
Steven LaTourette (R 14th) ---
Ralph Regula (R 16th) ---
Tom Cole (R 4th) ---
Chaka Fattah (D 2nd) ---
Bill Shuster (R 9th) ---
Allyson Schwartz (D 13th) ---
Joseph Pitts (R 16th) ---
Puerto Rico
Luis Fortuno (R At-Large) ---
South Carolina
J. Gresham Barrett (R 3rd) ---
Bob Inglis (R 4th) ---
John Spratt (D 5th) ---
James Clyburn (D 6th) ---
John Duncan (R 2nd) ---
Zach Wamp (R 3rd) ---
Lincoln Davis (D 4th) ---
Jim Cooper (D 5th) ---
John Tanner (D 8th) ---
Louie Gohmert (R 1st) ---
Ted Poe (R 2nd) ---
Sam Johnson (R 3rd) ---
Ralph Hall (R 4th) ---
Jeb Hensarling (R 5th) ---
Joe Barton (R 6th) ---
John Culberson (R 7th) ---
Kevin Brady (R 8th) ---
Kay Granger (R 12th) ---
William Thornberry (R 13th) ---
Ron Paul (R 14th) ---
Chet Edwards (D 17th) ---
Sheila Jackson Lee (D 18th) ---
Randy Neugebauer (R 19th) ---
Lamar Smith (R 21st) ---
Kenny Marchant (R 24th) ---
Michael Burgess (R 26th) ---
Henry Cuellar (D 28th) ---
Eddie Bernice Johnson (D 30th) ---
Virgin Islands
Donna Christensen (D At-Large) ---
Jo Ann Davis (R 1st) ---
Bobby Scott (D 3rd) ---
Randy Forbes (R 4th) ---
Bob Goodlatte (R 6th) ---
Thomas Davis (R 11th) ---
Doc Hastings (R 4th) ---
Norman Dicks (D 6th) ---
West Virginia
Alan Mollohan (D 1st) ---
Paul Ryan (R 1st) ---
Gwen Moore (D 4th) ---
Thomas Petri (R 6th) ---
David Obey (D 7th) ---
Steve Kagen (D 8th) ---


ALS/MND Registry

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