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Old 01-30-2020, 02:48 PM
dax9 dax9 is offline
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dax9 dax9 is offline
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Confused Talking to doctor re. severe undiagnosed concussions (Rambling, Concentration)

*I started to ramble as I wrote this - I keep doing that since my last concussion and can't stop- if anything, I would love any advice on how to stop "rambling" so I can communicate important stuff before others tune out, and so I can get to the point before I forget what I was originally talking about... went off track while typing this but if anyone reads any part of it any advice, resources, anyone to talk to would be greatly appreciated*


I was in a car accident about a month ago and was diagnosed with a "mild" concussion- I think that it was more severe than what the doctor said...I was very "confused" (lack of better way to describe it) and, since I had come in for whiplash in my neck, I did not think I was suffering from a concussion....After the crash I was "dazed", plus was having a panic attack. (
Anyway, I went to the doctor after what I thought was a couple days after the crash (was actually a week) because my neck/back hurt and was getting headaches that put me into tears....But my head did not hurt all the time- I would wake up, feel fine, as long as laid down it seemed okay, but the longer my neck had to hold it up the more it hurt, so I went into urgent care thinking my neck was the problem. Was kind of taken aback when told I had a concussion because I did not remember hitting my head- but also a lot of other blanks. Plus, I have a history of just kind of walking around with a really bad concussion and "snapping out of it" days or weeks later. I apparently also show "obvious signs" of childhood TBI, like a complete lack of smell (for as long as I can remember). However, these previous brain injuries were never diagnosed because;

I grew up in the 90's in a football/hockey family where "concussions were no big deal", plus I had a mother who did not like me very much and have a lot of memories of her being mad at me and then "blacking out" (this is the main reason I was never taken to the doctor, or went on my own, no one would believe it was my mom and everyone tried to accuse my dad so I stopped telling people).
I have memories, or lack thereof of particularly bad concussions walking concussions (I am sorry I do not have the correct vocab)

For example: I remember when I was 10ish I was riding my bike with my friend and crashed when a dog ran out in front of me. I remember crashing, my friend asking if I was okay, and telling her I was fine. But, the next thing I knew, I "woke up" in the middle or the grocery store which was about 10 miles away. I started "freaking out", crying, shaking because I did not know where I was or how I got there- my friend freaked out because apparently I was "fine", we had been talking, decided to go to the movies, road are bikes across town, and had stopped at the store to get snacks- I remember none of this. The next thing I remember was patches of riding home, getting there, getting yelled at, then blacked out for a day or two (my mom put me to bed and said I was napping).

Anyways, that is just one example- I have others but my point is that none of this is documented... I have to go see another doctor because the insurance people from the car accident think that I am/was "exaggerating", do not believe/or listen to me when I would try to tell them I was confused, losing track of time (like weeks went by and I thought it was a few days). Plus my boss and dad are concerned about how long the symptoms from a "mild concussion" have lasted, and the fact that I do not seem to realize I have any symptoms, except for telling people I am confused (when apparently I was falling asleep, forgetting to do things like eat, bad concentration- like to the point where basically if anything distracted me for a minute I would completely forget what I had been doing.
I remember a couple specific things, like words and letters not making sense when I tried to read them...

(We did not report the accident to the police because, the guy who hit me said it was 100% his fault, asked if I wanted to call or just exchange info- I agreed to just exchange because I was so "out of it" I did not realize how bad my car was [totalled] or that I was hurt- this has not been an issue so far but I am afraid it might....but so many people had driven by, asking if they should call the cops, I honestly thought at the time someone had).

I am just terrified about going back to the doctor and talking about previous concussions that are undocumented, and talking about how I actually did have symptoms that I told the first doctor that I did not have because I did not know the importance of why she was asking and it seemed like she was going through everything so fast I was just saying yes/no- like she asked me if I threw up and I said no because I didn't, but I didn't/couldn't explain quickly that I felt like I was going to throw up but had not eaten that day and just kind of gagged...

Plus, since it is an insurance thing, I am scared they will think I am "making things up"- But, all I want is to get past concussions documented so in the future doctors are aware that I might say I am "fine" when I really have no idea what is going on, as well as find out how long symptoms such as memory loss will last this time since I am older...

Sorry for writing so much. Other info: I am 28, female- I am "smart" (legal work) but have diagnosed and undiagnosed cognitive disorders (diagnosed with things like add and ptsd, undiagnosed things like dyslexia), have anosmia, I also had to move back home because I have problems with memory and maintaining a sense of time when I am alone, as well as holding down a long term job ( will do super well for 6-12 months, then get exhausted, moody- basically as soon as I am no longer stimulated by adrenaline or anxiety I just shut down physically and mentally)- This is particularly frustrating because family members think I am "lazy" when I am trying my hardest, but "simple" things, like getting up, showered, and dressed end up becoming so difficult they mentally exhaust me, while more "complicated" things seem so simple I don't get why other people don't "think the same as I do" (when I am able to work I do investigative research for lawyers, photo forensics, stuff like that).

Any advice, resources, anyone to talk to would be greatly appreciated.
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