Join Date: Feb 2020
Location: UK
Posts: 269
Join Date: Feb 2020
Location: UK
Posts: 269
The working diagnosis here is that of a post-infectious neuropathic syndrome which seems to affect small fibres and to a lesser extent large fibres. These are functional abnormalities as structurally the nerves are normal, neurophysiologically. (Detailed neurophysiological studies looking for abnormalities of large fibres but also small fibre were normal. )
My impression is this is a monophasic type illness and should resolve with time.
Good morning Leeds,
I just wanted to thank you for sharing very personal information on this thread and the last. I have found those details and your insights very useful. Thank you.
The problem with this working diagnosis is that explains everything and it explains nothing. Neurology and Neurophysiology are in their infancy. You can have all the fancy measurements you want but the same blunt treatments are the identical whether you had the tests or not. Gabapentin and Pregabalin. And these only treat the symptoms, not the cause. So they've taken these measurements but they can still only hypothesize as to the cause and hope that the body spontaneously recovers over time.
Until they discover the mechanism of recovery then Neurology is just a sticking plaster. I suspect your Neurologist's caseload is full of working diagnoses.
I'm not one of the cleverer people whom you hoped to reply ( have you considered a personal message?) but my thoughts are this :-
Continue with your supplements, you want to maintain an optimum nervous system. Consider a diet that maximises oxygen perfusion. Consider intense exercise like heavy weights. Consider cryotherapy/ Wim Hoff cold showers. I did this for a couple of months during lockdown, and wow I have never been more aware of my nervous system. These things may help to promote recovery.
I wish you well and thanks again for sharing.